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1051 | 06-27-2016 08:57 PM |
05:25 AM
Does anyone have any update to this? Does anyone use NiFi to read data from OPC DA, or OPC UA? There was talk about Hortonworks having a connector for those data sources three years ago. Does anyone know if that is supported by Cloudera now? I am thinking that the fact that OPC DA has to be on Windows and uses COM has been the sticking point for us. It may be that moving to OPC UA is possible.
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06:15 PM
1 Kudo
Any news on this? I am wondering about installing the whole of HDF3.0 including the Scheme Registry and SAM as well as NiFi.
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06:12 PM
We now have HDF3. It is still not clear whether we can or should use Cloudbreak. Any suggestions?
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05:11 PM
Is this article still valid for HDF version 3.0 which was released recently? Are there easier ways of deploying to Amazon?
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01:24 PM
Thanks! I would be interested to learn more when you are ready to announce it.
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08:43 AM
I got stung by this as well. I could not figure out the solution until I found this page. I am not keen on this change to the sandbox.
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11:55 AM
Thanks, yes there was a duplicate column (the key in both tables) and I did not realise that was preventing me from using CTAS.
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11:54 AM
Wow, excellent. Thanks. I did not realise the problem was my key had the same name in both tables. Using java regexes as you described solved my problem. Thanks!
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03:34 PM
1 Kudo
I am trying to join two wide tables and save the result to a new table. They happen to be CSV on disk... Now because the tables are very wide I don't really want to manually create all the columns myself - but never fear - they are just the union of the old columns. So I expect to be able to do a Create Table As Select command like this CREATE TABLE new_table AS select * from source but it is more like this CREATE TABLE combined_table AS SELECT * FROM `default.left_table` A1, `default.right_table` B1
where A1.the_key = B1.the_key or CREATE TABLE combined_table AS SELECT * FROM (SELECT * `default.left_table` A1, `default.right_table` B1 where A1.the_key = B1.the_key); Neither work for me. Is this supposed to work in Hive? If I am saving the results of my query to a new table do I always have to know the columns in that result set and create the table with those columns first? (I am using HDP 2.4.2, so a fairly recent Hive) Thanks
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