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03:54 PM
@Shu and @bkosaraju thanks for your replies So far I do not manage to go farther than the SplitJSON. I am using the following DataFlow model to test: I see that from the SplitJSON processor comes out 2 files for 1 as input, however I do not know how to handle each individual file. I try to visualize this file by saving them however in the written file I only see the first record ff1, but I never manage to see the second. In the PutFile processor I get the following error: I general I think that I miss some fundamental understanding about how this file flow works, but I could not manage to find the right documentation. As I understand the input JSON array is split in 2 individual files, but I do not know how to aggregate all the individual outputs to an individual CSV files. Maybe you could point me out where I should look to?
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01:08 AM
I have the following JSON array: [
"id": "6935895746",
"type": "PushEvent",
"actor": {
"id": 32568916,
"login": "bigajwiktoria",
"display_login": "bigajwiktoria",
"gravatar_id": "",
"url": "",
"avatar_url": ""
"id": "6935895745",
"type": "PushEvent",
"actor": {
"id": 463230,
"login": "taylorotwell",
"display_login": "taylorotwell",
"gravatar_id": "",
"url": "",
"avatar_url": ""
and I would like to convert it to a CSV table with three columns in the following order: id, type, actor.login: "6935895746" , "PushEvent", "bigajwiktoria"
"6935895745" , "PushEvent", "taylorotwell"
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