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06:09 PM
@Saurav Ranjit please collect the yarn logs and attach them here to debug further, use below command to collect logs yarn logs -applicationId applicatioon_1545806970486_0001
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02:43 PM
@Jay Kumar SenSharma is there way we can get "Average percentage of local files to Region server in the cluster" for entire HBase cluster instead of querying by each region server , thanks.
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04:02 AM
@Jay Kumar SenSharma thanks for your response, i'm looking for "Average percentage of local files to Region server in the cluster". Is there any other way apart from Ambari and Grafana to pull directly from HBase because we don't use Ambari or Grafana, thanks.
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02:53 AM
Hello Everyone, Is there any API/CURL command to pull HBase data locality ? we can monitor or view data locality from Ambari without that is there any easy way to find data locality in HBase. HBase version: HDP version:2.5.3 Thanks.
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02:50 PM
@Vinicius Higa Murakami Thanks for your reply. if we enable vectorization it corrupts timestamp values every time or it's intermittent ? because with vectorization enabled it was working fine, we are started to see this happening recently.
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04:58 PM
hive-logs.txtHello Everyone, Hive Insert query to table(have partitions) failing with vectorization enabled . It was working fine till last week.However it is running fine with vectorization disabled. Can someone help in identifying the issue. please find the logs with vectorization enabled and disabled/turned off.
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05:56 PM
screen-shot-2018-06-20-at-125515-pm.png@anarasimham thanks for your reply. mdse_item_i data type is int `mdse_item_i` int and the output attached as screenshot
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03:41 AM
screen-shot-2018-06-19-at-104245-pm.png Count distinct doesn't always give me the right answer. I've attached two different queries that should both result in 7 unique items purchased. If I don't do an operation on mdse_item_i like cast it to a bigint, it doesn't always count them correctly. to explain it simply, when i do cast on "mdse_itcountsdistinct-1.txtdoesnotcountdistinct.txtem_i" it gives unique results as 7, but when i don't do casting it gives unique results as 10 which is not correct. hive> select * from dfr_distinct;
100000000938 5 7 12.33 2 2.75 4.27 8.060 2 8 0
Time taken: 0.479 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s)
hive> select * from dfr_distinctnot;
100000000938 5 10 12.33 2 2.75 4.27 8.06 0 2 8 0
Time taken: 0.932 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s) tried running the query in both MR and Tez modes still giving same results when i don't do casting.
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