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02:49 AM
Greeings, all. Can anybody tell me if a File URI is mandatory for each component of the value of the element in the hdfs-site.xml file? For example, am I required to specify "file:///grid/hadoop/hdfs/dn, file:///grid1/hadoop/hdfs/dn"? Or, could I use "/grid/hadoop/hdfs/dn, /grid1/hadoop/hdfs/dn", instead, and have effectively the same metadata? I'm using HDP 2.4.3. Thanks very much! ~ Joseph
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- Labels:
Apache Hadoop
02:54 AM
Thanks...helped me out right away!
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03:28 PM
1 Kudo
Greetings, all. I have a very simple configuration: 3 node cluster -- one master, two workers; HDFS NN on master, HDFS SNN on one of the workers, and HDFS DN on each node. ZooKeeper successfully started on all three nodes with an established quorum and elected leader, etc. When I attempt to start HBase Master on the master node, it waits while HDFS NN works in "safe mode", doing its block replication thing. (While using the HBase shell to issue a status command, you get "HBase Initializing", etc.). Eventually, HBase Master goes away, because it times out waiting for HDFS NN to finish and exist safe mode. I have three questions: 1) Does my (simplest possible attempt) configuration, as described above, seem reasonable? 2) I'd prefer not to force HDFS out of safe mode; but as this is just an initial startup of a freshly provisioned Hadoop cluster, I assume that might not cause any issues. Do you agree? 3) Is there a threshold setting somewhere in the config. files that I can raise to ensure HBase Master waits longer for HDFS? I've been searching, but haven't found anything yet. Attached is an abbreviated screen cap of log output...some messages just before the initial warning, and then the exception indicating that HBase Master has finally shutdown. Thanks in advance for your help on this one! ~ Joseph
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- Labels:
Apache HBase