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09:56 AM
HI, Thanks for your response. But removing and recreating the symlinks will not work for us because its not using the current log path(symlink) under 'ews' folder instead it using the path which is showing in Ambari (refer attached image). EX: PATH >>>>> root@hadoop:/usr/hdp/current/ranger-admin/ews : logs -> /var/log/ranger/admin <<<<<< symlink But the above path is not being used by Ranger. Logging is happening in the different path specified in Ambari, which is Greyed Out (Disabled). Thanks, Raagul.S
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03:51 PM
Hi, We are unable to modify the existing RANGER admin logging path. The option in Ambari is Greyed out/Disabled (refer attached Image). We tried creating a separate config group for RANGER but still the option is Disabled. We are able to change the logs path of "xa_portal.log" from "ranger-admin log4j" but there is no option to change log path of "access_log.2017-05-09.05.log" from log4j. Kindly help us on this case. Thanks in Advance Raagul.S
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- Labels:
Apache Ranger
09:51 AM
Hello Shyam, Thanks for your solution. Yes, it will work and it already worked for us (yesterday) when we replace the args (%LOG_DIR%) with absolute path of some custom directory. Here goes the logs from our server. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #args=('%LOG_DIR%/access.log', 'a', 1000000, 3) args=('/var/log/hadoop/hue/access.log', 'a', 1000000, 3) #args=('%LOG_DIR%/error.log', 'a', 1000000, 3) args=('/var/log/hadoop/hue/error.log', 'a', 1000000, 3) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you have mentioned , the custom directory should be created before modifying in log.conf file wheres for the other components where it is possible to change from Ambari, the Amabri itself will take care of creating the log directory, ownership & permission. Still thanking you again for your response with right solution. Regards, - Raagul
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03:50 PM
1 Kudo
Thanks for the response. As per the link mentioned, we could identify the soft links present in Hue server where the logging is happening.
ls -l /usr/lib/hue/desktop
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 May 2 17:02 logs -> /var/log/hue
We tried changing it to custom path, but logging still happening in old path only (/var/log/hue).
Also, we could see a variable %LOG_DIR% declared in log.conf, which is substituting for the logging path.
But couldn't find any such environment variable.
Appreciate for the help!
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10:52 AM
Kindly help us on this issue.
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10:46 AM
How to change the default logs path of HUE from /var/log/hue to /../../../? Couldn't find any value for log path on hue.ini or log.conf. Is there a way to change the config without reinstalling? Please help us to change the logs path.
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Cloudera Hue