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Title | Views | Posted |
1402 | 11-29-2017 08:47 PM | |
1841 | 10-24-2017 06:37 PM | |
18083 | 08-04-2017 06:58 PM | |
1957 | 05-15-2017 06:42 PM | |
2425 | 03-27-2017 06:36 PM |
08:47 PM
No, it's not possible. Index may have only one parent table. You need to keep in mind that indexes are updated when you update the parent table. Let's imagine that you have more than one parent table. Any update only one of them would mean that you have to make a lookup for all corresponding records in other parents to update index data. That would be too expensive for simple operation as upsert is.
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10:35 PM
You may use user_permission <table> in the hbase shell for the list of the users that can access to the table. Also you may run scan 'hbase:acl', but that would require superuser privs in HBase.
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06:37 PM
No, there is no alter for index. The problem is that adding one more column to the index means the same full scan over the table and the operation would be as expensive as the new index creation.
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08:27 PM
You may want to use Stargate REST API Wiki page
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05:16 PM
Check that you have /user/tcb directory on the HDFS. Log in as hdfs user and run following commands: hadoop fs -mkdir /user/tcb hadoop fs -chown tcp /user/tcb
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06:26 PM
As @ssattiraju mentioned you may use a file with commands providing it as a command line parameter. One quick note - if one of the commands fail, the script will stop executing. To avoid it you may use just simple redirect like: phoenix-sqlline localhost < file.sql
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12:52 AM
That's an incorrect approach. You don't need to add xml files to the jars. As I already mentioned before, you need to add directories where those files located, not files themselves. That's how java classpath work. It accepts jars and directories only. So if you need a resource in the java classpath, you need to have it in a jar file (like you did) OR put the parent directory to the classpath. In Squirrel it can be done in the Extra classpath tab of the Driver configuration:
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07:21 PM
Actually that's supposed to be something like 5 minutes by default. So, check whether you have any old snapshots that you don't need anymore.
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06:58 PM
3 Kudos
Check whether you have hbase.master.hfilecleaner.ttl configuration property in hbase-site.xml. It defines TTL for archived files. Archive directory can keep: 1. old WAL files 2. Old region files after compaction 3. files for snapshots. I believe that you have some old snapshots and that's why you have so big archive directory. Delete snapshots that are not required and those files will be deleted automatically.
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07:33 PM
I'm talking about the config directories. Those are : /etc/hbase/conf and /etc/hadoop/conf. Some versions of HDP have a copy of core-site.xml in the hbase conf dir (you may check it manually). The only jar you need to add to the driver configuration is /usr/hdp/current/phoenix-client/phoenix-client.jar. Don't add anything else.
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