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09:40 AM
Is there a maximum amount of nodes a Nifi cluster can contain? If so what and where are the bottlenecks? Are there figures for max data per second or max events per second?
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
09:53 AM
Interesting... In regards to flow design do you mean if a node go's down replay everything that has not been acknowledged as processed at your data source (jms, kafka) and then remove duplicates before pushing to the data's storage destination (kafka, HDFS). I think the Notify, Wait and DetectDuplicate processors would be usfeul in this case.
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08:22 AM
Also.... Is there estimation for when High Availability Processing will be available or is there a work around that could be put in place?
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08:16 AM
The data is time critical and must be as near to real time as possible. If a node goes down and there is a delay in that nodes queued data getting to its destination this would not be acceptable as alerts could potentially be delayed. Could you please describe the process for migrating queued data of a failed node to a new node? My thoughts are this could potentially be automated and might fit into an acceptable time frame for data to get to its destination.
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03:33 PM
@Matt.Clarke I read an interesting reply to a question dated 3rd March . You mentioned Data HA across NiFi nodes is a future roadmap item. Has this been implemented? If not is there a release version that it will be implemented in? Also what is the process for retrieving lost data from a Nifi node that can be restarted?
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi