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Title | Views | Posted |
1224 | 09-22-2022 04:16 AM | |
3744 | 03-09-2018 02:34 PM | |
16836 | 02-01-2018 06:15 AM | |
6174 | 11-13-2017 12:34 PM |
04:16 AM
@yagoaparecidoti It looks like this particular user does not have permission to connect to HMS. You can add this user or put "*" under this configuration : CM->Hive->Configuration->Search "hive_proxy_user_groups_list" And then restart hive and then run "show databases" . Another possibility could be that it is not able to locate hive-site.xml on the node required to connect to Hive Metastore.
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05:39 PM
@Ashish Wadnerkar You can grep hiveserver2.log with "Parsing command" string and you will get complete hive query.
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03:31 PM
@Sooraj Antony As you have scenarios for skew data in the joining column, enable skew join optimization. set hive.optimize.skewjoin=true set hive.skewjoin.key=5000 you can tune it further with number of mapper tasks and split size by and hive.skewjoin.mapjoin.min.split properties.
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04:35 PM
@srini You can import xml directly using which is detailed here: Other option is to load entire record in a string and then access it using xpath UDF : 1. create table employee( employee_info string) ; 2. load data local inpath '/home/hduser/sample.xml' into table employee; 3. create view employee_xml_view as SELECT xpath_int(employee_info ,'code/root/root1/id'),xpath_string(employee_info ,'code/root/root1/joiningdate'),xpath_string(employee_info ,'code/root/root1/joiningdate').................. from employee; 4. Select * from employee_xml_view;
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02:34 PM
@Santanu Ghosh During Sqoop export, Staging table should be identical in structure to the destination table. I see in your tables datatype of third column is different. Can you update and then try.
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03:11 PM
Did you find any details in logs ?
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01:12 PM
@Satish Anjaneyappa You would get more details in hive logs, suggesting why the move operation failed.
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01:00 PM
@Satish Anjaneyappa This error occurs when map-reduce/ tez job is completed and then data is moved from staging directory to the destination directory. Error while moving could occur due to permission issues or if there is space issue in case of huge table. Can you check the permissions or if you have space quota set at the directory level.
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03:49 AM
@Dmitro Vasilenko Can you try this query without map join . Looks like data size is huge for hybrid grace hash join. set; And then execute this query.
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02:19 PM
@Dmitro Vasilenko I see frequent full GC in logs. Can you share yarn application log and the query that you executed? Also, share explain plan for the query.
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