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08:39 PM
1 Kudo
The client provided a CA cert, which, once put into the keystore, worked consistently in allowing the LDAP Sync to work, including users, groups and memberships. Thanks so much, Paul, for your help in resolving this issue! It is worth mentioning that in the course of troubleshooting this, we also found that the keystore pointed to by ambari-server can only make use of a single cert, and its alias must be 'root'. As well, if your ambari server is running as a user other than root, it must be given permission to read the keystore file (eg if the keystore is created by root user) Thanks again!
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07:09 PM
I decided to try something else. I set up a separate LDAP server on the ambari-server node. I populated it with a few users and groups, tested that I could dump them out with the ldapsearch command. Then I pointed my ldap-setup to this, non-SSL LDAP source. I got the same error: REASON: Sync event creation failed. Error details: HTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable I also get this same 503 error if I mis-type the credentials for the prompt for Ambari Admin login. It looks like the sync-ldap isn't connecting to ambari-server although the console works. Any suggestions how to confirm/test this?
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07:02 PM
Thanks for the suggestion. I used the 'openssl s_client -showcerts command', and it showed 2 different certs. I saved each one to a separate file (ldap1.cert and ldap2.cert) and added them to my keystore with different aliases as follows: After that, I did a new setup-ldap, pointing to the keystore, restarted ambari server, but still have the same 503 error. keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias ad-cert1 -file ldap1.cert -keystore /etc/ambari-server/keys/ldaps-keystore.jks keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias ad-cert2 –file ldap2.cert -keystore /etc/ambari-server/keys/ldaps-keystore.jks
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05:29 PM
Yes, I have restarted ambari server (just restarted it and re-tried the LDAP sync just now to be absolutely sure). Still getting the HTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable. Also: The Ambari web UI is up and running and accessible through a web browser.
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04:23 PM
Yes, an ldapsearch command like the following works and returns the attributes of a group, for instance. ldapsearch -x -H ldaps://<ADServerName>:636 -b "<BaseDN>" -D <BindDN> -w <BindDNpw> "CN=<ExampleGroup>" I found that I had to use the ldaps:// prefix on the hostname. If I used -h and the hostname and -p and the port. the ldapsearch did not work. Note: The parameters to this command are the same as the ones used in the ldap setup. I have also done some experimentation in a sandbox environment, using OpenLDAP without SSL, and in that environment, I was able to get users and groups to sync successfully. I'm not sure what is different in the non-sandbox environment with the SSL LDAP.
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02:51 PM
I'm trying to sync users and groups from an Active Directory LDAP which is using SSL. I'm using Ambari 2.1.0 I have used the following information on setup-ldap: At the Primary URL* prompt, enter the server URL and port you collected above. Prompts marked with an asterisk are required values.
ldaps://<ADServerName>:636 (note, I have tried this without the ldaps prefix, but got the same error)
At the Secondary URL* prompt, enter the secondary server URL and port. This value is optional.
At the Use SSL* prompt, enter your selection. If using LDAPS, enter true.
At the User object class* prompt, enter the object class that is used for users.
At the User name attribute* prompt, enter your selection. The default value is uid.
At the Group object class* prompt, enter the object class that is used for groups.
At the Group name attribute* prompt, enter the attribute for group name.
cn (default)
At the Group member attribute* prompt, enter the attribute for group membership.
At the Distinguished name attribute* prompt, enter the attribute that is used for the distinguished name.
dn (default)
At the Base DN* prompt, enter your selection.
At the Referral method* prompt, enter to follow or ignore LDAP referrals.
At the Bind anonymously* prompt, enter your selection.
At the Manager DN* prompt, enter your selection if you have set bind.Anonymously to false.
At the Enter the Manager Password* prompt, enter the password for your LDAP manager DN.
Do you want to provide custom TrustStore for Amabari
TrustStoretype [jks/jceks/pkcs12] (jks)
jks (default)
Path to TrustStore file:
Password for TrustStore
Re-enter password:
Review Settings
authentication.ldap.managerDn: <BindDN>
authentication.ldap.managerPassword: <BindDNpw>
ssl.trustStore.type: jks
ssl.trustStore.path: /etc/ambari-server/keys/ldaps-keystore.jks
Save settings [y/n] (y)? y
Ambari Server 'setup-ldap' completed successfully.
I have tried this originally without the TrustStore set up (originally), then I tried again with a self-signed certificate using the instructions in Section Create and Import Self-Signed Certificate in Hadoop Security Guide (May 26, 2015) When I try to do an LDAP Sync, I get this error ambari-server sync-ldap --users users.txt --groups groups.txt
Using python /usr/bin/python2.6
Syncing with LDAP...
Enter Ambari Admin login: admin
Enter Ambari Admin password:
Syncing specified users and groups.ERROR: Exiting with exit code 1.
REASON: Sync event creation failed. Error details: HTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable I have successfully used the same BindDN info, etc using the ldapsearch command on the command line, and using that, I can list the users and groups that I am trying sync. Any suggestions on how I can figure out why I'm getting this error?
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Apache Ambari