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I cant connect to ambari dashboard


Hi all,

i am new, and i have problems to log with ambari dashboard.

I am using VM of sandboox and i have asigned 4 gb of RAM to VM. My friend used this ram and he doesnt problems.

I used puTTy for connect to my VM, with root and port 2222.

I installed all, and when i try to connect to ambari dashboard i have "Loading" in the page (several hours) and i am not able to connect.

I prove the next:

i) ambari-server status-----> Running

ii) ambari-agent status------> Running

iii) service postgresql status---> Running

iv) Service iptables status------> Firewall not running

v) sestatus ---------------------> Disable

vi) netstat -pan | grep 8080 ---------------------> Listen port 8080

vii) ifconfig --------------> eth (

viii) Prove in others navigators too (Mozilla, Internet Explorer, Chrome)

But my picture during hours is:

Can be the memory ram? or the navigator that block the ip? I dont know why this problem exist!

Thank you very much



Master Mentor

@Juan Gonzalez

Don't ignore ...Yes memory is very important, you MUST have a minimum of 8GB to run a sandbox the more you have the better and that the hortonworks recommendation

Can you try these 2 curl commands to validate
Check Ambari status

curl -u admin:admin -G http://ambari_host:8080/api/v1/check 

Desired output <?xml version="1.0"?><status> RUNNING</status>

Check HDFS status

curl -u admin:admin -H "X-Requested-by:ambari" -i -k -X GET http://<AMBARI_HOST>:8080/api/v1/clusters/<CLUSTER_NAME>/services/HDFS/

Remember to replace the ambari_host and cluster_name with your actual value your cluster name should be sandbox I think

View solution in original post



Thank you very much for your help!

I running all again step by step, but now, not listen and i have message in navigator: "Unable to connect to Ambari Server. Confirm Ambari Server is running and you can reach Ambari Server from this machine."

I show capture with commands. I think is a problem of connection, not memory, but i dont understand why this problem.

Thank you very much again!



Now, the port are listen, but the navigator is "Loading" and not enter in dashboard of ambari

I show other capture with commands, and i see that port 8080 is listen but port 2222 not, so, i dont understand.

I ejecuted your command but i obtain bash message.

Thank you very much!


Master Mentor

@Juan Gonzalez

Don't ignore ...Yes memory is very important, you MUST have a minimum of 8GB to run a sandbox the more you have the better and that the hortonworks recommendation

Can you try these 2 curl commands to validate
Check Ambari status

curl -u admin:admin -G http://ambari_host:8080/api/v1/check 

Desired output <?xml version="1.0"?><status> RUNNING</status>

Check HDFS status

curl -u admin:admin -H "X-Requested-by:ambari" -i -k -X GET http://<AMBARI_HOST>:8080/api/v1/clusters/<CLUSTER_NAME>/services/HDFS/

Remember to replace the ambari_host and cluster_name with your actual value your cluster name should be sandbox I think


Thank you very much,i am learning very much!

I ejecuted your commands, and in second command wich clusterName is Sandbox, i have several alerts and i dont understand why this alerts. I show some captures with all commands and results.


And alerts in your second command,






And three more captures with all alerts, sorry for the extension!




I wait for your answer!! Thank you very much!

Master Mentor

@Juan Gonzalez

Based on the API output we can see that the amabri server is running fine and responding to the rest calls.

So the Dashboard not loading issue might be related to the browser caching or from browser side. So as suggested earlier can you please try using "Incognito Mode" (Private Mode) of browser to avoid any browser caching issue.

Also regarding the Alerts , The alerts are mostly normal and usually shows the really situation based on the type of alert. (rarely they are fake/false).

When we invoke the "/api/v1/clusters/Sandbox" API then it will show all the alert destinations as a normal behavior. We can look at the individual alert to know why they are being triggered and if there is some attention required.

However in Sandbox where too many services are running ... hence due to resource limitation we usually see many alerts and hence in order to suppress alerts we can put the servives in Maintenance mode.


Ambari UI --> Mapreduce --> Service Actions --> Turn ON Maintenance Mode.



Thank you very much Jay, for your answer!

So, there is not problem in conexion, but then i have to close some services due to resource limitation. How can i make this action with code?. disable some services, or turn on maintenance mode for delete this alerts and enter in dashboard of ambari?

I read your link but help to put maintenance mode in ambari dashboard, but i cant enter in dashboard

I tried "Incognito mode", but the problem still appear:


Master Mentor

@Juan Gonzalez

To free up some resources we can try to kill some of the components and then once we are able to login to Ambari UI then based on the requirement we can start & stop the required services.


# free -m
# kill -9 `cat /var/run/hive/`
# kill -9 `cat /var/run/hbase/`
# kill -9 `cat /var/run/hbase/`

Then restart the ambari-server after checking the free memory.

# free -m
# ambari-server restart



Sorry, in the capture attached, appear the memory after kill hive, but when i try kill hbase, appear :


Maybe, kill other service, but the memory used decrease after kill hive. I can try enter to dashboard now!

Master Mentor

@Juan Gonzalez

May be the "/var/run/hbase/" file does not exist thats why the mentioned kill command failed.

You can find some more java processes that you can kill for testing. The once you have enough free memory then you can start those services/components from Ambari UI.

# ps -ef | grep java


Using the above command you can find the PIDs and then kill few of them.