Created on 05-03-202312:30 AM - edited on 05-05-202305:48 AM by VidyaSargur
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Deploy Cloudera Manager Dashboards
Free Manager Dashboards
Cloudera Manager Troubleshooting
Monitor CDP Cluster
Proactively resolve Cloudera Manager alerts
Cloudera Manager Monitoring
Health monitoring
Impala health monitoring
YARN health monitoring
HBase tuning
HDFS caching
Datanode health monitoring
HDFS NN & JN health monitoring
Hive health monitoring
Impala monitor coordinators
Infra-Solr health monitoring
Solr health monitoring
MGMT Cluster JVM GC Sizing
ZK JVM GC Sizing
Oozie JVM GC Sizing
Hive JVM GC Sizing
Out of the box, Cloudera Manager provides plenty of valuable health checks to highlight platform and service issues that may need to be addressed along with an intuitive interface for troubleshooting issues. Nevertheless, the greater the quantity of pipelines and processes the platform supports (especially at peak loads/times), the higher the probability that you would benefit from additional visibility into overall cluster performance. To that end, we’re offering you JSON files of custom Cloudera Manager dashboards to import into your CM ’managed cluster:
Here are the links (Change this to Snapshots) to the dashboards we will preview below:
NOTE - you must change the user ID that is within each JSON file from ‘mbush’ to a suitable admin user account within your own environment, prior to uploading them in Cloudera Manager.
Three Daily Dashboards
We recommend using the following dashboards every day:
MB - Overall Health
MB - Impala Health
MB - YARN Health
The Overall Health dashboard depicts a mix of insights across the entire cluster to identify abnormalities affecting any node when it comes to CPU, memory, etc.
NOTE: the ‘Time Series’ in the top right corner of every screenshot which shows the monitoring time period. The longer the time period set, the more skewed the statistics can become within the CM dashboard due to metric aggregation.
MB - Overall Health (screenshots)
In any CDP cluster, it is important to verify that the Impala service is healthy. It is common to see that ETL-style workloads have been deployed within the Impala service, where Hive, Spark, or YARN would have been more suitable. The 3 dashboards depicted below can help analyze workload balance and provide valuable insights you can use to begin migrating those workloads from Impala to YARN.
MB - Impala Health (screenshots)
MB - YARN Health (screenshots)
Seven Weekly Dashboards
We recommend using the following dashboards weekly, or more frequently to identify unexpected behavior or instability within your cluster:
MB - HBase Tuning
HDFS Caching & Datanode Health
MB - HDFS NN & JN Health
MB - Hive Health
MB - Impala Monitor Co-ordinators
MB - Infra-Solr Health
MB - Solr Health
MB - HBase Tuning (screenshots)
HDFS Caching & Datanode Health (screenshots)
MB - HDFS NN & JN Health (screenshots)
MB - Hive Health (screenshots)
MB - Impala Monitor Co-ordinators (screenshots)
MB - Infra-Solr Health (screenshots)
MB - Solr Health (screenshots)
Three Monthly Dashboards
As with the Weekly Used Dashboards, these dashboards can quite often be used daily if identifying unexpected behavior or instability within the cluster but we recommend using them at least monthly to proactively identify that service/role heap sizing is in a healthy state:
Nice article! Where can we find the templates in Cloudera manager? You mention "we’re offering you JSON files of custom Cloudera Manager dashboards to import into your CM ’managed cluster", but do not give details on where customer can get the template files? Is that a separate license to purchase? It will be great to put the JSON files location details for the better use of the dashboards and this article. Thanks!