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September 2024 Community Highlights

Community Manager

Here are some highlights from the month of August

Upcoming Events


Upcoming on October 30th: ClouderaNOW: Master the Art of Delivering Trusted Data for Business Insight and Enterprise AI


Upcoming on September 26th: WEBINAR

Navigating the Future of Data Management and Analytics

Check out the FY24 Cloudera Meetup Events Calendar for upcoming & past event details!

Top Activities

  • 511 new support questions
  • 1249 new members


Our Leaderboads

We would like to recognize the below community members and employees for their efforts over the last month to provide community solutions. 

See all our top participants at Top Solution Authors leaderboard and all the other leaderboards on our Leaderboards and Badges page.  


@MattWho @vaishaakb @Scharan @vamsi_redd @vats @SAMSAL @Shelton @Juanes @yagoaparecidoti  

Unanswered Questions

Share your expertise and answer some of the below open questions. Also, be sure to bookmark the unanswered question page to find additional open questions. 

Unanswered Community Post 

Components/ Labels

impala forces full table scan

Apache Impala

Migrating NiFi Registry from one server to another

Apache NiFi
NiFi Registry

NiFi PutSlack Proxy error

Apache NiFi

kafka + undertsanding better the kafka controller.log logs

Apache Kafka

Custom Utilization Report

Cloudera Data Platform (CDP)

Top Trending Labels
