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Taking action on community member feedback - content discovery

Community Manager

Since we launched in 2013, the ability of our members to find answers has been an essential aspect of our community. Members can often resolve an issue by simply applying an existing community solution. However, if a member cannot find a suitable solution, they usually post a new question to the community. 


Last year we updated the feedback system on the community to gain further insights on usability and how to serve our members better. The update included a feedback button on every page, occasional pop-up surveys and a new relevancy question on the bottom of the search page

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As a result of the feedback received, we understand that members want us to improve our search results. Therefore, in addition to investigating ways to improve search results, we have initiated changes to streamline search results.

After reviewing the existing questions on the community, we determined that many questions showing up in search results were unresolved or unhelpful. So this week, we took action by archiving many of these posts. Many archived posts were unsolved questions, five years or older and not viewed very often. Archival will not affect a member's post statistics while removing the posts from view.

Archiving these posts will improve our members' search result speed and relevancy, but there is more to be done. We are evaluating a couple of search features such as adding synonyms so, for example, if someone searches for "failure", we could also provide results for "error" that may be related. Another feature is "promoted search", which suggests specific content for certain keywords(s).

We look forward to your continued feedback and improving the community for all.