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Rising Star

Ambari version 2.5 provides a new Upgrade History page. This is useful in many ways such as:

  • Determine the history of upgrades that your cluster has undergone (and any issues).
  • Collect any specific logs from within the web UI without the need to login to the respective host.
  • Determine time taken for upgrade, which gives an indication of the time required for the next upgrade.

In short, Upgrade planning and troubleshooting are two aspects addressed through this page

Here is how the ‘Upgrade History’ page looks:


Besides the above UI, you could also retrieve the entire Upgrade output through a couple of Ambari API calls


The above call provides the list of Upgrade ids. The highest id in the list is usually the most recent Upgrade on the cluster. This upgrade_id serves as an input to the second call as follows:


The second call provides the entire Upgrade output grouped by Upgrade Groups, Upgrade Items and finally the Upgrade Tasks. You could extend the call by including additional fields as they appear in an Upgrade task output as below:


Additionally you could redirect the output of above call to a file and send it over for troubleshooting any issues.