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Some times though moving master wizard is completed still UI shows the message as "Move Master Wizard In Progress".

To fix this problem you can follow below steps.


curl -u admin:admin -i -H 'X-Requested-By: ambari' -X POST -d '{"wizard-data":"{\"userName\":\"admin\",\"controllerName\":\"reassignMasterController\"}"}'

Step-2). Login to the Ambari UI with "admin" user.

Step-3). Create a new "local" user with some name like "admin1" (any password like "admin1")

Step-4). Open another browser and login with the "admin1" user. User might see that the "Add Service Wizard in Progress" link is blinking at the top.

Step-5). Now from the earlier browser where we logged in with "admin" user. We will need to click on the "Actions" => "Add Service"

Step-6). Now if the "admin" user does nothing. Or Shuts down his/her laptop. Still the other admin users (like "admin1") will not be able to perform any action in the ambari UI and will keep seeing the "Add Service Wizard in Progress" link is blinking at the top.


*.This is tried and tested in Ambari-2.4.2 version.


There's a typo in the Step 1 command line - you need a space between the closing single quote and the Ambari URL.

Also please be advised that I just encountered this issue in both Ambari and YMMV.