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Title | Views | Posted |
2098 | 09-19-2018 06:31 PM | |
1553 | 09-13-2018 09:33 PM | |
1539 | 09-04-2018 05:29 PM | |
4766 | 08-27-2018 04:33 PM | |
3656 | 08-22-2018 07:46 PM |
09:49 PM
1. Get the output from Ambari server http://AMBARI-HOST:8080/api/v1/stacks/HDP/versions?fields=repository_versions/operating_systems/repositories/*,repository_versions/operating_systems/OperatingSystems/*&repository_versions/RepositoryVersions/repository_version= 2. Copy the json of "operating_systems" outer block of step1 output and create repo.json file - it would looks like repo.json 3. update repo.json file to reflect your changes/modifications. 4. now run below API call to update. curl -insecure -H "X-Requested-By:ambari" --user admin:admin --data @repo.json -X PUT http://AMBARI-HOST:8080/api/v1/stacks/HDP/versions/3.1/repository_versions/1 Note: please make sure you include correct repo version id at the end. in this case it is 1 5. Now go and check in UI to see if those changes reflects. Note: This tried and tested in Ambari2.7.x
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06:33 PM
3 Kudos
Steps to fix below Database consistency WARNINGs in Ambari 2.7.x WARN - You have config(s): webhcat-site-version1540591929056,webhcat-log4j-version1540591928580,hive-exec-log4j-version1540591929168,webhcat-env-version1540591929289,hive-log4j-version1540591929465,hcat-env-version1540591928892 that is(are) not mapped (in serviceconfigmapping table) to any service! CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE orphaned_configs AS
(select config_id,type_name,version_tag from clusterconfig where unmapped != 1 and type_name not in ('cluster-env') and config_id not in (
FROM clusterconfig cc, serviceconfig sc, serviceconfigmapping scm
WHERE cc.type_name != 'cluster-env'
AND cc.config_id = scm.config_id
AND scm.service_config_id = sc.service_config_id));
Update clusterconfig set unmapped = 1 where config_id in (select config_id from orphaned_configs);
drop table orphaned_configs;
If it is 2.6.x then following query can be used SELECT cc.config_id, cc.type_name, cc.version_tag
FROM ambari.clusterconfig cc, ambari.clusterconfig ccm
WHERE cc.config_id NOT IN (SELECT scm.config_id FROM ambari.serviceconfigmapping scm)
AND cc.type_name != 'cluster-env' AND cc.type_name = ccm.type_name AND cc.version_tag =
(SELECT cc.config_id FROM ambari.clusterconfig cc WHERE cc.config_id NOT IN
(SELECT scm.config_id FROM ambari.serviceconfigmapping scm) AND cc.type_name !=
DELETE FROM ambari.clusterconfig WHERE config_id IN
(SELECT config_id from orphaned_configs);
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07:46 PM
1 Kudo
Can you refresh the page and try again? right click and see if there is any Javascript errors?
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04:25 PM
please open separate thread since this is already closed.
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04:20 PM
@sandeep gupta please mark the correct answer if it has resolved the issue
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04:19 PM
@Shraddha Singh Can you first check if those hosts were heart beating to ambari server? You can go http://ambari-server-host:8080/api/v1/hosts and see if it shows any hosts. If it is not showing then go to ambari agents and check if there is any errors at /var/log/ambari-agent/ambari-agent.log
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06:31 PM
@sandeep gupta Do you have any hosts are not heart beating in the cluster? or any nodes are in "Maintenance Mode" ? Basically Ambari server does the host check call for all the hosts ( I guess all master component hosts) and if any one of them down then it keep showing that screen. so make sure all hosts are heart beating and then not in MM. One of the workaround is to disable the Hostcheck call and attempt to add again. Login to Ambari in one tab and in another tag open "http://AMBARI-HOST:8080/#/experimental" and select "disableHostCheckOnAddHostWizard" checkbox and save it. Now you can attempt to add the node again.
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10:13 PM
If cluster is installed with Ambari 2.5 , Upgrading to Ambari2.6.x cause service re-start ( client) failure and Add service also fails with installation. with above combination, you might be hitting if you see error like below 2018-09-15 08:37:13,748 - Looking for matching packages in the following repositories: HDP-2.6, HDP-UTILS- 2018-09-15
08:37:15,841 - No package found for hive_${stack_version}(hive_(\d|_)+$) 2018-09-15
08:37:15,844 - The repository with version for this command has been marked as resolved. It will be used to report the version of the component which was installed root cause is already explained in the BUG. How to fix the issue: 1. First find out what is your current version repo version id. in browser go to From the response find out the repository_version_id for the version. 2. Now create /tmp/data.json with below content {
"operating_systems" : [
"OperatingSystems" : {
"ambari_managed_repositories": false,
"os_type" : "redhat6",
"stack_name" : "HDP",
"stack_version" : "2.6"
"repositories" : [
"Repositories" : {
"base_url" : "",
"repo_id" : "MY-ID",
"repo_name" : "MY_name"
"Repositories" : {
"base_url" : "",
"repo_id" : "MY-UTILS",
"repo_name" : "MY-UTILS_name"
Note: replace "MY-ID"/"MY-UTILS" with the actual sateliterepotag and os_type as well. 3. now run below curl call to update it. curl -u admin -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" --data @data.json -X PUT /api/v1/stacks/HDP/versions/2.6/repository_versions/ID Now - refresh the UI and see if the updated tags are visible in version definition. Note: Please take Ambari database backup before running the CURL call
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09:51 PM
Many times Ambari throws installation errors like "No package found for hive_${stack_version}(hive_(\d|_)+$) ..." There can be many reasons for this failure. The root cause for this issue is, basically Ambari could not be able to determine the installable package. Reason1: Check if the same package is already installed using different repoid/sateliterepotag. that can be check using below command yum list installed | grep packagename
Ex: yum list installed | grep hive If it shows the entries then determine if those are installed with different repoid/sateliterepotag. In Ambari task logs you can find what tag/repo Ambari is using to install Now see "yum list installed" has the correct repoId - if it is not matching then manually uninstall that library and let Ambari install it. Reason2: If you are using Satelite repository - Ambari should show the repo tag name at "Applicable repositories: Satelitehdp265.." If it is not showing correctly, that means you repo version definition is incorrect. Make sure sateliterepo tag is defined correctly. Reason3: If you have installed the cluster with Ambari 2.5.x and then upgraded to Ambari2.6.x then you might encounter AMBARI-24629 bug. please follow to fix that issue.
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11:26 PM
When Ambari executes tasks like START/STOP/RESTART/... , it timeouts after waiting 20mins ( 1200 seconds). For example Namenode START command waits for 20mins and then mark the service is Failed/Timeout - in larger clusters NameNodes takes much longer time - How to tell Ambari to wait for much longer? Add below 2 configs and re-start the service - this change increases the timeout value to 1Hour. agent.task.timeout=3600
Note: This change may not take affect during the Upgrade If it is already scheduled.
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