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If cluster is installed with Ambari 2.5 , Upgrading to Ambari2.6.x cause service re-start ( client) failure and Add service also fails with installation.

with above combination, you might be hitting if you see error like below

2018-09-15 08:37:13,748 - Looking for matching packages in the following repositories: HDP-2.6, HDP-UTILS- 2018-09-15 
08:37:15,841 - No package found for hive_${stack_version}(hive_(\d|_)+$) 2018-09-15 
08:37:15,844 - The repository with version for this command has been marked as resolved. It will be used to report the version of the component which was installed

root cause is already explained in the BUG.

How to fix the issue:

1. First find out what is your current version repo version id. in browser go to

From the response find out the repository_version_id for the version.

2. Now create /tmp/data.json with below content

  "operating_systems" : [
      "OperatingSystems" : {
        "ambari_managed_repositories": false,
        "os_type" : "redhat6",
        "stack_name" : "HDP",
        "stack_version" : "2.6"
      "repositories" : [
          "Repositories" : {
            "base_url" : "",
            "repo_id" : "MY-ID",
            "repo_name" : "MY_name"
          "Repositories" : {
            "base_url" : "",
            "repo_id" : "MY-UTILS",
            "repo_name" : "MY-UTILS_name"

Note: replace "MY-ID"/"MY-UTILS" with the actual sateliterepotag and os_type as well.

3. now run below curl call to update it.

curl -u admin -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" --data @data.json  -X PUT /api/v1/stacks/HDP/versions/2.6/repository_versions/ID

Now - refresh the UI and see if the updated tags are visible in version definition.

Note: Please take Ambari database backup before running the CURL call

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