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Following are the configurations for connecting Apache Ranger with LDAP/LDAPS. There's an important tool that will help identify some settings in your AD AD Explorer - Windows Sysinternals | Microsoft Docs.

This configuration will sync LDAP users and link them with their LDAP groups every 12 hours, so later from Apache Ranger, you can give permission based on LDAP groups as well.

For connecting using LDAPS, ensure you have the proper certificates added in the same server that contains the Ranger's UserSync service.

Configuration Name Configuration Value Comment
ranger.usersync.source.impl.class org.apache.ranger.ldapusersync.process.LdapUserGroupBuilder  
ranger.usersync.sleeptimeinmillisbetweensynccycle 12 hour  
ranger.usersync.ldap.url ldaps:// ldaps or ldap based on your LDAP security
ranger.usersync.ldap.ldapbindpassword mypassword  
ranger.usersync.ldap.searchBase OU=hadoop,DC=example,DC=com You can browse your AD and check which OU you want to make Ranger sync
ranger.usersync.ldap.user.searchbase OU=hadoop2,DC=example,DC=com;OU=hadoop,DC=example,DC=com You can browse your AD and check which OU you want to make Ranger sync, you can also add 2 OU and separate them with ;
ranger.usersync.ldap.user.objectclass user double-check the same 
ranger.usersync.ldap.user.searchfilter (memberOf=CN=HADOOP_ACCESS,DC=example,DC=com) if you want to filter specific users to be synced in Ranger and not your entire AD
ranger.usersync.ldap.user.nameattribute sAMAccountName double-check the same
ranger.usersync.ldap.user.groupnameattribute memberOf double check the same
ranger.usersync.user.searchenabled true OU=hadoop,DC=example,DC=com You can browse your AD and check which OU you want to make Ranger sync group double-check the same (cn=hadoop_*) if you want to sync specific groups not all AD groups cn double-check the same member double-check the same true  
ranger.usersync.truststore.file /path/to/truststore-file  


Here is a helpful link on how to construct complex LDAP search queries. Search Filter Syntax - Win32 apps | Microsoft Docs


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