After deleting users using REST API, one might get error "404 not found". This articles demonstrates how to automatically delete the "ghost" users from MySQL and Posgres.
This happens because once you delete the testUser using REST API, you are only deleting the user from the UI and not from the permissioning that it is assigned to.
Solving this issue
All you have to do is connecting in the Ranger's Metadata DB and run the following scripts thought the database client logged with a db user that has full permissions to the database:
For MySQL:
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ranger.tmp_users_clean as
select id from ranger.x_portal_user
login_id not in (
select user_name from ranger.x_user
delete from ranger.x_auth_sess where user_id in(
select id from ranger.tmp_users_clean
delete from ranger.x_portal_user_role where user_id in(
select id from ranger.tmp_users_clean
delete from ranger.x_user_module_perm where user_id in(
select id from ranger.tmp_users_clean
delete from ranger.x_portal_user where id in(
select id from ranger.tmp_users_clean
For Postgres:
delete from x_auth_sess where user_id in(
select id from x_portal_user
login_id not in (
select user_name from x_user
delete from x_portal_user_role where user_id in(
select id from x_portal_user
login_id not in (
select user_name from x_user
delete from x_user_module_perm where user_id in(
select id from x_portal_user
login_id not in (
select user_name from x_user
delete from x_portal_user where id in(
select id from x_portal_user
login_id not in (
select user_name from x_user
Just a little tip: if you don't know where your Ranger's metadata DB is located, you may find it at Ambari UI -> Ranger -> Configs -> Ranger DB host.
For more info: and
I remember this was a big discussion point at my previous job. The outcome was that often you do not want to remove a user completely from the Ranger database, because you need to keep an audit trail of who had access in the past. Therefore the GUI never actually deletes a user from the database but leaves a tombstone.
Also note that it is possible (although not advisable) to have two user name entries with the same name but different ID.