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There may be a need to use Anaconda to set up a Python virtual environment or an R environment to run SparklyR on the CDP Public Cloud Datahub cluster. CDP Public Cloud provides "Recipe" as extensions to install additional software on top of the base image. In this post, we will use Recipe with a sample script to accomplish this.
  1. Download this bootstrap/ recipe script for Anaconda install.
  2. Ensure the parameters in the first section of the script. Modify them as required. The USER_GROUP_ADMIN will be the owner of the directory where Anaconda will be installed. ACLs are added to the directory for USER_GROUP_1 and USER_GROUP_2 for sufficient access. If you just have one user group, remove all lines containing USER_GROUP_2 from the script. TAR_FILE_PATH is the packaged Python/ R tarball that can be submitted in the YARN jobs (this way we do not have to install the Python/ R environment on all hosts on the cluster).
  3. If you do not require an R or Python environment setup, you can remove the corresponding section in the script.
  4. Also, update the required packages for the workloads to be installed in the Python and/ or R sections.
  5. You can now test this script independently, if possible, to ensure that there are no syntax errors and it will work as expected.
  6. Upload the script into the recipe section in the CDP Control plane.setup-recipe-conda.png
  7. You can now attach the recipe during cluster provisioning. Here is an example where the 'setup-anaconda' recipe is attached to the gateway host.
  8. Once the cluster is built, you should see the tar.gz files in the TAR_FILE_PATH path and should also have access to the conda commands on the node(s) where the recipe(s) were executed. Please note that the user has to run the command conda init bash before running these commands. Here is a view of the commands from the gateway node.


Vijay Anand Karthikeyan

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