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Configure cluster for Tez View

  1. Enable ATS by : yarn.timeline-service.enabled=true

    Enable following yarn setting:


    yarn.timeline-service.webapp.address=IP:PORT of ATS

  2. Enable following core-site setting



Kerberize Ambari-server

  1. Create a principal in your KDC for the Ambari Server. For example, using kadmin:
    addprinc -randkey ambari-server@HADOOP.GCSKDC.CORP.APPLE.COM
  2. Generate a keytab for that principal.
    xst -k ambari.server.keytab ambari-server@HADOOP.GCSKDC.CORP.APPLE.COM
  3. Place that keytab on the Ambari Server host. Be sure to set the file permissions so the user running the Ambari Server daemon can access the keytab file.
  4. Stop the ambari server.
    ambari-server stop
  5. Run the setup-security command.
    ambari-server setup-security
  6. Select 3 for Setup Ambari kerberos JAAS configuration.
  7. Enter the Kerberos principal name for the Ambari Server you set up earlier.
  8. Enter the path to the keytab for the Ambari principal.
  9. Restart Ambari Server.
    ambari-server restart


Set up Tez View

  1. Kerberos Setup for Tez Views

yarn.timeline-service.http-authentication.proxyuser.${ambari principal name}.hosts=* yarn.timeline-service.http-authentication.proxyuser.${ambari principal name}.users=* yarn.timeline-service.http-authentication.proxyuser.${ambari principal name}.groups=*

2. Replace latest Tez view jar into /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/views/

either of the following

tez-view- - Ambari 2.4.3

tez-view- - Ambari 2.5.1

You should get following Tez UI with Ambari 2.5.1 jar

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