Created on 08-11-202108:47 AM - edited on 08-17-202110:06 PM by subratadas
Some people use the Boto3 library to browse their Amazon bucket from Python, and I was searching the same for Azure. This is far from being optimized, but it could be a starting point.
First things first, we need to find the Azure access token. Notice those keys are supposed to rotate so you have to have that in mind.
In Azure portal, let's get to the Storage Account in the ResourceGroup defined for your account, and click on Access keys
There are two keys (for rotation without interruption), let's copy the first one.
In my CML project, I'm defining an AZURE_STORAGE_TOKEN environment variable with that key:
As you see above, 'STORAGE' variable has been populated. If you want it to be automatically populated, here's some code:
!pip3 install git+
from cmlbootstrap import CMLBootstrap
# Instantiate API Wrapper
cml = CMLBootstrap()
# Set the STORAGE environment variable
try :
storage = cml.get_cloud_storage()
storage_environment_params = {"STORAGE":storage}
storage_environment = cml.create_environment_variable(storage_environment_params)
os.environ["STORAGE"] = storage
Now the project! Install the required libraries:
pip3 install azure-storage-file-datalake
Here is the code listing files on the "datalake" path. This is not handling all exceptions and so on, that's really a starting point only and not meant to be used in a production environment.
!pip3 install azure-storage-file-datalake
import os, uuid, sys, re
from import DataLakeServiceClient
from azure.core._match_conditions import MatchConditions
from import ContentSettings
def initialize_storage_account(storage_account_name, storage_account_key):
global service_client
service_client = DataLakeServiceClient(account_url="{}://{}".format(
"https", storage_account_name), credential=storage_account_key)
except Exception as e:
def list_directory_contents(path):
file_system_client = service_client.get_file_system_client(container)
paths = file_system_client.get_paths(path)
for path in paths:
except Exception as e:
storage = os.environ['STORAGE']
storage_account_key = os.environ['AZURE_STORAGE_TOKEN']
m ='abfs://(.+?)@(.+?)\.dfs.core\.windows\.net', storage)
if m:
container =
storage_name =
initialize_storage_account(storage_name, storage_account_key)