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Problem Description

When importing a project on CDSW / CML from a private repository in Gitlab / GitHub using the repository URL over HTTPS, it will fail to be created. Screenshot 2023-02-28 at 5.46.56 PM.png
The URL that is passed here is:



Screenshot 2023-02-28 at 5.50.32 PM.png

Since the repository is private, you cannot only pass the URL to import it. GitHub will not be able to authenticate the request and will reject it. In the early days, users used to pass their username and password in the HTTPS URL and it used to work. something like below:




However, due to restrictions on Gitlab / GitHub end, this will not work anymore. Users will have to generate a PAToken and pass the PAToken to access private repositories remotely.


You can refer to the following documents on how to generate Personal Access Token 

Github: Creating a personal access token

Gitlab: Personal access tokens

Once you generate the Personal access Token, for Github you will need to follow the below format to import the project:








For example

Screenshot 2023-02-28 at 5.58.55 PM.png

Project creation will be successful. 
Screenshot 2023-02-28 at 5.56.24 PM.png

For Gitlab the format is slightly different: 







Hope this helps 🙂