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After Jun 1, 2021, the following changes are introduced to S3Guard in CDW service on CDP Public Cloud[1]:

S3 Guard disabled for custom Database Catalogs and default Database Catalogs on AWS environments

During new AWS environment activation in CDW:
  • If you have not specified a DynamoDB table name during environment registration in Management Console, the S3 Guard feature is disabled for all Database Catalogs and Virtual Warehouses.
  • If you have specified a DynamoDB table name during environment registration in Management Console, the S3 Guard feature is enabled for default Database Catalogs and Virtual Warehouses. However, it is disabled for non-default (custom) Database Catalogs.
For all environments that were activated before the June 1, 2021 release, S3 Guard is enabled.



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Version history
Last update:
‎07-25-2022 10:08 AM
Updated by: