Created on 11-29-2019 10:36 AM - edited 12-19-2019 05:54 AM
In the Cloudera Data Warehouse service, your data is stored in an object store in a data lake that resides in your specific cloud environment. The service is composed of:
How To:
1. On the Cloudera Data Platform Home Page, open the Data Warehouse service:
2. Expand the Environments menu:
Created on 03-16-2020 12:40 AM
Hi agillan,
On executing the following command:
kubectl --kubeconfig ~/dwx.config get secret grafana -n istio-system -o json | jq -r .data.passphrase | base64 -D | pbcopy
I get the following response:
error: You must be logged in to the server (Unauthorized)
Created on 03-16-2020 12:48 AM
Hi agillan,
Sorry to bother you. I figured out the issue. I had to grant access to my iam user through the grant access option.