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Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) documentation is now available at

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The CDP documentation is divided in the following sections corresponding to CDP services and components:

Each of these documentation sections includes its own Release Notes document. 

Furthermore, when using CDP, you can access contextual help by clicking on the Help icon in the bottom left corner:

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Hi @StevenOD,

I might have misunderstood the hosting detail of Management Console. As far as I understood it is going to be hosted at  <> which is multi-tenant, Cloudera managed cloud resource that we don't have much control or visibility over. You are correct about my PoC being in public cloud however all the resources are in VPC, which is covered by the company policies in which case more control and visibility are available.


Please correct me if I am wrong on that.

My other question still stands regarding the alternatives for creating CDP in AWS environment apart from provisioning using Public Cloudera managed cloud.

Thank you very much

Super Collaborator

Hi @denys_tyshetsky 


Yes, you are right - the CDP Management Console for public cloud is hosted by Cloudera in our VPC. CDP public cloud is a PaaS offering so we need a control plane through which we launch services. Those services are then launched into the customer's VPC. You don't have control over the CDP Management Console but you also don't have control over the AWS Management Console. The AWS Management Console doesn't live in your VPC either. 


If you want to try CDP in the public cloud then there is a far easier way of getting started now that we have released a CloudFormation template that performs a lot of the AWS setup:


My understanding is that when we launch CDP Private Cloud for on-premises deployments then you will be able to host the CDP Management Console on-premises. For the time being, the only way to get access to CDP Public Cloud is via the CDP Management Console which is hosted by Cloudera.


Of course, if you are interested in an IaaS deployment of CDP then you can install CDP Data Center which uses Cloudera Manager for managing the deployment and does not use or require the CDP Management Console which is for cloud deployments only.





New Contributor

Hi StevenOD,


any plan to release Management Console on-premise? We have CDP 7.1 already.





@BI_Gabor In this case you maybe interested in CDP Private Cloud. See 

New Contributor

What is the process for submitting change requests to Cloudera for updates to product documentation content?