Created on 12-13-201807:39 PM - edited 08-17-201905:20 AM
This article will demonstrate how to install anaconda on an
HDP 3.0.1 instance and the configuration to enable Zeppelin to utilize the
anaconda python libraries to use with apache spark.
bzip2 library needs to be
installed prior to installing anaconda
From the following link, download the anaconda installer. It
will be a large bash script around 600MB in size. Please land this file in an appropriate
directory like /tmp.
Once downloaded, provide the installer with executable permissions.
One completed, the installer can be executed. Please execute
with a user with sudo privileges. Follow
the prompts and accept the license agreements. As a best practice, please
install anaconda in a separate directory than the default. /opt is the default
for my installations.
At the very end of the installation it will prompt the user
to initialize the install in the installing users basrc file.
If you have a mulit-node environment, please re-run this process
on the remaining nodes.
Step 2. Configure Zeppelin
Log into Zeppelin and open the page for interpreters. Scroll
down to the spark interpreter and look for the zeppelin.pyspark.python. This
parameter points to the python binary that is used when executing python
applications. This is defaulted to the python binary bundled with the OS. This
will need to be updated to the anaconda python binary.
Next, navigate to the location you installed anaconda. In this example the location is /opt/anaconda2/bin.
Add the full path to the python binary in the
/opt/anaconda2/bin directory.
Make the changes and save the settings for the interpreter.
Finally, restart the interpreter and you should be good to go!
If you run into any issues, make sure that zeppelin has the
correct file permissions to run the new python libraries.
I have a follow-up question (just curious) : do Spark workers use the same custom Python path as Zeppelin driver?
If yes, how do they know it? (the Zeppelin UI setting seems to apply to the Zeppelin driver application only and its SparkContext)
If no, why is there no version conflict between the driver's python and the workers' python? (I tested with the default of 2.X and the custom Anaconda python of 3.7)
NOTE: I had to additionally set the PYSPARK_PYTHON environment variable in Spark > Config to the same path in Ambari, in order to be able to use all the Python libraries in the scripts submitted via "spark-submit", but this does not affect the Zeppelin functionality in any way.