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Master Guru

This tutorial has been successfully tried on HDP- and Ambari


I have my HDP Cluster Kerberized and Ambari has been configured for SSL.

Note - Steps are same for Ambari with or without SSL.


Please follow below steps for Configuring Pig View on Kerberized HDP Cluster.


Step 1 - Please configure your Ambari Server for Kerberos with the steps mentioned in below article. Please follow steps 1 to 5.


Step 2 - Please add below properties to core-site.xml via Ambari UI and restart required services.


Note - If you are running Ambari Server as root user then add below properties



If you are running Ambari server as non-root user then please add below properties in core-site.xml


Please replace <ambari-server-user> with user running Ambari Server in above example.


I'm assuming that your ambari server principal is ambari-server@REALM.COM, if not then please replace 'ambari-server' with your principal's user part.



Step 3 - Create user directory on hdfs for the user accessing pig view. For e.g. in my case I'm using admin user to access pig view.


sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -mkdir /user/admin sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -chown admin:hdfs /user/adminsudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -chmod 755/user/admin


Step 4 - Goto Admin tab --> Click on Manage Ambari --> Views --> Edit Pig view ( Create a new one if it doesn't exist already ) and configure settings as given below


Note - You may need to modify values as per your environment settings!





After above steps, you should be able to access your pig view without any issues. If you receive any error(s) then please check /var/log/ambari-server/ambari-server.log for more details and troubleshooting.
