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Master Guru

Clients normally want a development environment for SQL. They often have Eclipse-based SQL development tools already ( Teradata SQL Editor, Eclipse Data tools platform ). Hue and command line are not always an option.

To connect to HDP2.3 ( should work for HDP2.2) with Eclipse:

1. Install the Eclipse Data Tools Platform

- Download Eclipse from ( for example Luna )

- Select Help->Install new Software

- "Work with" the official update location for your release ( Luna )

- Install all plugins under "Database Development" and restart Eclipse

2. Create an Hive JDBC driver

- Open the Data Source Explorer View ( Windows->Show View->Others->Type Data Source Explorer)

- Under Database Connections select "New"

- Select "Generic JDBC Driver". You should see three tabs ( Name, Jars , Properties )

- Create a new Driver with the plus button and give name "Hive"

- On Jars add the following jars from your HDP installation

From HDP_INSTALLATION/hive/lib ( hive-jdbc.jar and commons-loggingxxx.jar )

From HDP_INSTALLATION/hadoop/hadoop-commonxxx.jar

- Under Properties ( might not show up sometimes, redo first steps if properties tab is blank )

Connection URL: jdbc:hive2://server:10000/default

Database: default

Driver Class: org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver

User: Optional

3. Develop SQL

- In the Data Source Explorer, create a connection

- Create a project and files with extension .sql

- When opening the file select your connection at the top

- You can write SQL and execute it by right-click

- Execute All

- Execute Highlighted


4. Investigate Results

Query results are shown in the SQL Results View.

- You have a list of executed queries

- Result Sets ( limited to 50000 rows configurable )

- You can export result sets as CSVs

In addition to Data Development tools you can also install in Eclipse:

Remote System Tools:

- drag and drop files to your edge node out of Eclipse

- You can even have remote projects that are directly stored and compiled on the edge node

Scala IDE:

- Develop Spark Applications and drag the jar files to your edge node

Java IDE:

- Write Hive/Pig UDFs and MapReduce jobs

XML Editor:

- Basic Syntax highlighting and XML checking for Oozie workflows



Note that since HDP 2.2, Hive ships with another jar HIVE_HOME/lib/hive-jdbc-*-standalone.jar. The idea is that you don't need other dependent jars in your classpath.

Master Guru

That was actually the jar I was using. The hive-jdbc.jar is a link to the standalone jar. But I still had to add the two other jars. Otherwise I got Classnotfound exceptions.

Rising Star

@Benjamin Leonhardi

What is HDP_INSTALLATION in the above steps? I downloaded HDP_2.3.2_vmware and opened in VM Ware workstation. How do I know this HDP_INSTALLATION? Pls. help.

Master Guru

Its /usr/hdp<version_number>


I was really excited when i found your article. We are looking for a client like ssms to execute hive statements and to have an overview of the tables in a hive database. The connection worked and i am able to execute statements but unfortunately i cannot see all the tables and their definition. This would help us a lot. Can you help me? Another question is where can i set the limit for the result set?

I am using the newest version of eclipse "neon".


Thanks in advance.

New Contributor

Hi Florian did you got the answer for your question ? or it's expected behavior of Hive connection in eclipse ?