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Below are some FAQ's which helps you to quickly identify some important info for DPS-DLM deployment.

Pre-req's for DPS and DLM

DB version- postgres 9.3 to 9.6
OS - RHEL 7.0 and above
Ambari - 2.6.2
HDP 2.6.5
Distcp should work b/w source and target clusters.
Beacon user should be created in AD there is no choice of using custom user in this DLM 1.1 release
the onboarded service user for your application should exists in AD and needs
to be resolved(id <username> on both source and target clusters .
docker version
Required ports needs to be open b/w source and target clusters and also to access DPS UI

where to install DLM and DPS software components?

DLM engine needs to be installed as m-pack on both clusters using Ambari server
DLM app is dockerized container needs to be installed on DPS host

Which URL needs to be given to register cluster in DPS UI

the Ambari URL integrated with knox http://<>:8443

I'm unable to see the DLM icon in DPS UI after enabling DLM component in DPS

User needs to be part of Infra-admin role

Verify DLM Engine install

Verify that Beacon was added as a user to the HDFS superuser group.
hdfs groups beacon
The output should display HDFS (or value of the dfs.permissions.superusergroup config) as one of the groups.
Beacon user should be part of ranger policies

Mostly used commands for for troubleshooting

On DPS host use below commands
docker ps -- check ports,containers and uptime
docker images
docker exec -it <docker-name> 
docker exec -it 029ec380bb3d /bin/ls -alrt /usr/dp-app/
docker logs --follow dp-app
docker exec -it d6390b6c0c50 /bin/ls -alrt /usr/dp-app/

Required Machine config for DPS and DLM

DPS runs on separate machine which will run all docker containers. <br>Master Node config is recommended for this host with atleast 64 GB of memory
if you are using external database for same host consider more memory and CPU

For hive replication the in target cluster beacon is auto creating deny policy in ranger this expected behavior or bug in DLM 1.1?

This is to prevent any writes from happening outside of replication to the target database
the deny policy is only on the replication target database

For Hive replication can we schedule job per table basis?

No ,in this current DLM 1.1 release only database level is supported.

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