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Disaster recovery plan or a business process contingency plan is a set of well-defined process or procedures that needs to be executed so that the effects of a disaster will be minimized and the organization will be able to either maintain or quickly resume mission-critical operations.

Disaster usually comes in several forms and need to planned for recovery accordingly:

  • Catastrophic failure at the data center level, requiring failover to a backup location
  • Needing to restore a previous copy of your data due to user error or accidental deletion
  • The ability to restore a point-in-time copy of your data for auditing purposes

Disclaimer: 1. This article is solely my personal take on disaster recovery in a Hadoop cluster

2. Disaster Recovery is specialized subject in itself. Do not Implement something based on this article in production until you have a good understanding on what you are implementing.

Key objectives:

  • Minimal or no downtime for production cluster
  • Ensure High Availability of HDP Services
  • Ensure Backup and recovery of Databases, configurations and binaries
  • No Data Loss
    • Recover from hardware failure
    • Recover from user error or accidental deletes
  • Business Continuity
    • Failover to DR cluster in case of Catastrophic failure or disaster

    This is the time I introduce RTO/RPO.

    RTO/RPO Drill Down

    RTO, or Recovery Time Objective, is the target time you set for the recovery of your IT and business activities after a disaster has struck. The goal here is to calculate how quickly you need to recover, which can then dictate the type or preparations you need to implement and the overall budget you should assign to business continuity.

    RPO, or Recovery Point Objective, is focused on data and your company’s loss tolerance in relation to your data. RPO is determined by looking at the time between data backups and the amount of data that could be lost in between backups.

    The major difference between these two metrics is their purpose. The RTO is usually large scale, and looks at your whole business and systems involved. RPO focuses just on data and your company’s overall resilience to the loss of it.

    Qs: What is your RTO/RPO?

    Ans: For a complex and large production system this answer would take some time to figure out and will progressively be defined. Also ideally there should be multiple values for this answer.

    What are you talking about?

  • A 1-hour/1-hour RTO/RPO is very different (cost and architecture wise) from a 2-week/1-day RTO/RPO. When you choose the RTO/RPO requirements you are also choosing the required cost & architecture.
  • By having well-defined RTO/RPO requirements you will avoid having an over-engineered solution (which may be far too expensive) and will also avoid having an under-engineered solution (which may fail precisely when you need it most - during a Disaster event)
  • So ‘Band’ your data assets into different categories for RTO/RPO purposes.

    Example: Band 1 = 1 hour RTO. Band 2 = 1 day RTO. Band 3 = 1 week RTO, Band 4 = 1 month RTO, Band 5 = Not required in the event of a disaster. You would be surprised how much data can wait in the event of a SEVERE crash.

    For instance, datasets that are used to provide a report that is distributed once per month – you should never require a 1-hour RTO. Or even if it does that, it will only for the last day of the month. Rest of it, which is 29/30=97% should at max require a 1 day RTO even with maximum availability requirements.

    So the recommendation is to drill down your dataset and categorize it for RTO/RPO objectives. You will eventually get into a solution/architecture which would be better adaptive and more available without increasing your budget. This will be more of a journey rather than getting it 100% right at the first time.

    Qs: Who will decide the RTO/RPO of the wildly varying sets of data in my data lake?

    Ans: The data/business line owners ideally will be the person taking the decision.

    For log/troubleshooting/configuration type of data the admins and data engineers should take the decision which should accept feedback from the data/business line owners

    At this point of time we have not introduced any tools or low level strategy for Disaster recovery and Backup.

    More to come in series 2...

    Link to Series2 :


    A very special note of thanks to @bpreachuk who pretty much penned down the RTO/RPO explanation. It was written so well that i almost copied it:)

    I also want to thank @Ravi Mutyala from whom I have learnt (and learning :)) a lot in this subject area.

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