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This document gives an overview of HDP Installation on Isilon.

The pdf version of the article with images - installation-guide-emc-isilon-hdp-23.pdf


In installing Hadoop with Isilon, the key difference is that, each Isilon Node contains a Hadoop Compatible NameNode and DataNode. The compute and the storage are on separate set of node unlike a common of Hadoop Architecture.

HDP will connect to the EMC Isilon cluster using EMC SmartConnect. SmartConnect allows for transparent failover in case an Isilon Node Failure. The transactions will seamlessly failover to the new nodes. Isilon has various storage architectures which allows fast recovery of the failed nodes and file level data protection settings.


EMC Isilon has 2 steps with their release process

  • Step 1 – Compliance Compatible
  • Step 2 – Certified with HWX certification suite

EMC will release its support for Hortonworks HDP, stating it is compliance compatible.

There is a few months lag to get the complete in depth certification with Hortonworks Certification suite.

The below is compliance compatible.

Isilon Release Additional Isilon Patch Ambari Support HDP Support Patch 159065 2.1.0* HDP 2.3 none 2.1.1 HDP 2.3


Ranger – Ranger plugin’s except HDFS plugin works. This has been tested internally in HWX labs and is being tested. HDFS plugin will be worked in the future releases. Please contact Isilon product team for more details.

Note – WebHDFS port for Isilon is on on port 8082 and not 50070

High Level Steps

Please read the steps carefully as there are special deviations that is applied to attach the Isilon nodes to the HDP Compute cluster.

There are main steps

  • Isilon Zones and IP Pool Configuration
  • Ambari Install and Configuration
  • Post Ambari Install Validation

Some key Isilon concepts

  • Isilon is a cluster of hardware nodes, each node has its own CPU, Memory and Storage.
  • Each node has 2 network interfaces – Backend and Frontend.
  • The backend is connected over Infiniband Network interface
  • The front end is 10 GB Ethernet interface
  • The Isilon cluster run on OneFS, which is based on FreeBSD(Unix)
  • Isilon provides Data Protection via mirroring or Reed Solomon FEC.
  • Isilon has its own Data Management Console

Access Zones

  • Access zones, provides a method to logically partition cluster access and allocate resources to self-contained units, thereby providing a shared tenant environment.
  • In other words, it allows Isilon OneFs to segment the cluster configuration and separate the data into multiple self-contained units with their own sets of authentication providers; user mapping rules, and SMB shares.
  • A Hadoop/HDP Cluster will connect to a single Isilon zone. This is a one to one mapping.
  • This is part of Isilon Administration. Please work with your isilon administrator to create the needed isilon zone.
  • Useful video on zone:
  • By default, OneFS includes a single access zone called System . You should not use the System zone for your cluster creation .

Prepare Isilon zone

Follow the following steps are needed:

  • 1.Create a Isilon zone
  • 2.Attach a pool of ip addresses to the zone
  • 3.Assign a working directory to the zone
  • 4.Create the needed users

Create a Zone

  • Decide on a Zone Name. Ensure that the new zone that you want to create does not exist.
  • For the purpose of example we will call the zone “ zonehdp”. You can name it to your organization’s liking. Replace it with the version name that you want to assign.
hwxisi1-1# isi zone zones list
  • /ifs is the default share across the nodes. Create a new directory for your zone under a directory “isitest”.
  • isitest is just another hierarchy for the documentation purpose.
    hwxisi1-1# mkdir -p /ifs/isitest/zonehdp
    • Create the zone
hwxisi1-1# isi zone zones create --name zonehdp --path /ifs/isitest/zonehdp

Attach a pool of ip addresses to the zone

  • Associate an IP address pool with the zone. In this step you are creating the pool. Get the pool from your Isilon Admin. In this step replace the pool name, ip address range and zonename to an appropriate value.

Assign a working directory to the zone

  • Create the HDFS root directory. This is usually called hadoop and must be within the access zone directory.
  • Set the HDFS root directory for the access zone
  • Create an indicator file so that we can easily determine when we are looking your Isilon cluster via HDFS.
hwxisi1-1# isi zone zones create --name zonehdp --path /ifs/isitest/zonehdphwxisi1-1# mkdir -p /ifs/isitest/zonehdp/hadoop
hwxisi1-1# isi zone zones modify zonehdp --hdfs-root-directory /ifs/isitest/ zonehdp/hadoop;
hwxisi1-1# touch /ifs/isitest/zonehdp/hadoop/THIS_IS_ISILON_isitest_zonehdp
  • Check the hdfs thread settings and Block Size. If it is not set, set it using the isilon documentation in the appendix. . This is a one time activity
hwxisi1-1# isi hdfs settings view
Default Block Size: 128M
Default Checksum Type: none
Server Log Level: notice
Server Threads: 256

hwxisi1-1# isi hdfs settings modify --server-threads 256
*** Latest EMC recommendation is to leave this as auto by default and not specify no. of threads
*** Verify using isi hdfs settings view

hwxisi1-1# isi hdfs settings modify --default-block-size 128M

Create the users and directories

The scripts can be downloaded from (Claudio’s github url. EMC Engineering officially supports this.)

  • Extract the Isilon Hadoop Tools to your Isilon cluster. This can be placed in any directory under /ifs. It is recommended to use /ifs/ isitest/scripts.
  • Execute the script.

hwxisi1-1# bash /ifs/isitest/scripts/isilon-hadoop-tools/onefs/ --dist hwx --startgid 501 --startuid 501 --zone zonehdp

hwxisi1-1# bash /ifs/isitest/scripts/isilon-hadoop-tools/onefs/ --dist hwx --fixperm --zone zonehdp

Map the hdfs user to the Isilon superuser. This will allow the hdfs user to chown (change ownership of) all files

hwxisi1-1# isi zone zones modify --user-mapping-rules="hdfs=>root" --zone zonehdp Permissions to root directory

Get the ZoneID from the following

isi zone zones view zonehdp	

Replace the zoneid in the following command and execute it.

isi_run -z <zoneid> "chown -R hdfs /ifs/isitest/zonehdp/hadoop"

Restart Services

The command below will restart the HDFS service on Isilon to ensure that any cached user mapping rules are flushed. This will temporarily interrupt any HDFS connections coming from other Hadoop clusters

hwxisi1-1# isi services isi_hdfs_d disable ; isi services isi_hdfs_d enable

Now you have completed the step in Isilon. We will now move to installing Hortonworks HDP 2.2. on the compute nodes. The Insatalltion will be performed using Apache Ambari. 1.7

Install Ambari Server

Ambari Server makes installation, configuration, management and monitoring of hadoop cluster simpler. Isilon zones have of Ambari Agent running on the Isilon Cluster.

Ambari server will be used to deploy HDP 2.3 to setup the hadoop cluster with HDP. Please follow the Hortonworks Installation Document for ensuring the pre-requisites for environment match

The below steps are for CentOs 6 environment. Follow the steps from the Ambari Installation guide.

1. Complete the environment pre-requisites mentioned in the install guide.

2. Install the Ambari Server packages.

[root@hadoopmanager-server-0 ~]# wget -nv -O /etc/yum.repos.d/ambari.repo

[root@hadoopmanager-server-0 ~]# yum install ambari-server

3. Setup Ambari Server.

[root@hadoopmanager-server-0 ~]# ambari-server setup

4. Accept all defaults and complete the setup process.

5. Start the server.

[root@hadoopmanager-server-0 ~]# ambari-server start

6.Browse to http://<ambari-host>:8080/.

7.Login using the following account:

Username: admin

Password: admin

Deploy a Hortonworks Hadoop Cluster with Isilon for HDFS

You will deploy Hortonworks HDP Hadoop using the standard process defined by Hortonworks. Ambari Server allows for the immediate usage of an Isilon cluster for all HDFS services (NameNode and DataNode), no reconfiguration will be necessary once the HDP install is completed.

1.Configure the Ambari Agent on Isilon.

isiloncluster1-1# isi zone zones modify zonehdp --hdfs-ambari-namenode \ <smartconnectip/ipfrom ip pool>
isiloncluster1-1# isi zone zones modify zonehdp --hdfs-ambari-server <hostname/ip
of the ambari server>

2.Login to Ambari Server.

3.Welcome: Specify the name of your cluster mycluster1.

4.Select Stack: Select the HDP 2.3 stack.

Install Option:

Ambari Agent is already installed with Isilon OneFS. There are 2 ways of doing the following step. You can install the Ambari Agent on the compute nodes, then you do not need to go back register the Isilon host separately.

In the below steps you are installing the agent using Ambari UI wizard, and that is the reason you are going back to register the Agent.


You will register your hosts with Ambari in two steps. First you will deploy the Ambari agent to your Linux hosts that will run HDP. Then you will go back one step and add Isilon.

1. Specify your Linux hosts for the compute nodes that will run HDP master components and slave components for your HDP cluster installation in the Target Hosts text box.

Put in the ssh key

Click the Next button to deploy the Ambari Agent to your Linux hosts and register them.

2.Once the Ambari Agent has been deployed and registered on your Linux hosts, click the Back button.

Now you will add the SmartConnect address of the Isilon cluster ( to your list of target hosts.

Check the box to "Perform manual registration on hosts and do not use SSH."

Click the Next button. You should see that Ambari agents on all hosts, including your Linux hosts and Isilon, become registered.

If SmartConnect is not available pick one IP Address from the IP Address pool.

5.Choose Services:

Select all the services.

6.Assign Masters:

Assign NameNode and SNameNode components to the Isilon SmartConnect address.

ZooKeeper should be installed on mycluster1-master-0 and any two workers.

All other master components can be assigned to the master Node or Compute Nodes.

7.Assign Slaves and Clients:

Assign Data Node to the SmartConnect Isilon Node.

The rest to the compute Nodes.

8.Customize Services:

  • Change the Webhdfs port from 50070 to 8082.
  • Assign passwords to Hive, Oozie, and any other selected services that require them.
  • Check that all local data directories are within /data/1, /data/2, etc. The following settings should be checked.
  1. YARN Node Manager log-dirs
  2. YARN Node Manager local-dirs
  3. HBase local directory
  4. ZooKeeper directory
  5. Oozie Data Dir
  6. Storm storm.local.dir

In YARN, set to org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.timeline.LeveldbTimelineStore.

9.Review: Carefully review your configuration and then click Deploy.

10.After a successful installation, Ambari will start and test all of the selected services. Sometime it may fail for the first time around. You may need to retry couple of times. Review the Install, Start and Test page for any warnings or errors. It is recommended to correct any warnings or errors before continuing.

Adding a Hadoop User

You must add a user account for each Linux user that will submit MapReduce jobs. The procedure below can be used to add a user named hduser1.


The steps below will create local user and group accounts on your Isilon cluster. If you are using a directory service such as Active Directory, and you want these users and groups to be defined in your directory service, then DO NOT run these steps. Instead, refer to the OneFS documentation and EMC Isilon Best Practices for Hadoop Data Storage.

1.Add user to Isilon.

isiloncluster1-1# isi auth groups create hduser1 --zone zone1 \ --provider local isiloncluster1-1

# isi auth users create hduser1 --primary-group hduser1 \ --zone zone1 --provider local \ --home-directory /ifs/isiloncluster1/zone1/hadoop/user/hduser1

2.Add user to Hadoop nodes. Usually, this only needs to be performed on the master-0 node.

[root@mycluster1-master-0 ~]# adduser hduser1

3.Create the user's home directory on HDFS. In the below command you sudo as hdfs and then executing the “ hdfs” command.

[root@mycluster1-master-0 ~]# sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /user/hduser1

[root@mycluster1-master-0 ~]# sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -chown hduser1:hduser1 \ /user/hduser1

[root@mycluster1-master-0 ~]# sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -chmod 755 /user/hduser1


Ambari Service Check

Ambari has built-in functional tests for each component. These are executed automatically when you install your cluster with Ambari. To execute them after installation, select the service in Ambari, click the Service Actions button, and select Run Service Check.

Functional Tests

The tests below should be performed to ensure a proper installation. Perform the tests in the order shown.

You must create the Hadoop user hduser1 before proceeding.


[root@mycluster1-master-0 ~]# sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -ls / Found 5 items -rw-r--r-- 1 root hadoop 0 2014-08-05 05:59 /THIS_IS_ISILON drwxr-xr-x - hbase hbase 148 2014-08-05 06:06 /hbase drwxrwxr-x - solr solr 0 2014-08-05 06:07 /solr drwxrwxrwt - hdfs supergroup 107 2014-08-05 06:07 /tmp drwxr-xr-x - hdfs supergroup 184 2014-08-05 06:07 /user

[root@mycluster1-master-0 ~]# sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -put -f /etc/hosts /tmp

[root@mycluster1-master-0 ~]# sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -cat /tmp/hosts localhost

[root@mycluster1-master-0 ~]# sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -rm -skipTrash /tmp/hosts

[root@mycluster1-master-0 ~]# su - hduser1

[hduser1@mycluster1-master-0 ~]$ hdfs dfs -ls / Found 5 items -rw-r--r-- 1 root hadoop 0 2014-08-05 05:59 /THIS_IS_ISILON drwxr-xr-x - hbase hbase 148 2014-08-05 06:28 /hbase drwxrwxr-x - solr solr 0 2014-08-05 06:07 /solr drwxrwxrwt - hdfs supergroup 107 2014-08-05 06:07 /tmp drwxr-xr-x - hdfs supergroup 209 2014-08-05 06:39 /user

[hduser1@mycluster1-master-0 ~]$ hdfs dfs -ls ...

YARN / MapReduce

[hduser1@mycluster1-master-0 ~]$ hadoop jar \ /usr/lib/hadoop-mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples.jar \ pi 10 1000 ... Estimated value of Pi is 3.14000000000000000000

[hduser1@mycluster1-master-0 ~]$ hadoop fs -mkdir in

You can put any file into the in directory. It will be used the datasource for subsequent tests.

[hduser1@mycluster1-master-0 ~]$ hadoop fs -put -f /etc/hosts in

[hduser1@mycluster1-master-0 ~]$ hadoop fs -ls in ... [hduser1@mycluster1-master-0 ~]$ hadoop fs -rm -r out

[hduser1@mycluster1-master-0 ~]$ hadoop jar \ /usr/lib/hadoop-mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples.jar \ wordcount in out ... [hduser1@mycluster1-master-0 ~]$ hadoop fs -ls out Found 4 items -rw-r--r-- 1 hduser1 hduser1 0 2014-08-05 06:44 out/_SUCCESS -rw-r--r-- 1 hduser1 hduser1 24 2014-08-05 06:44 out/part-r-00000 -rw-r--r-- 1 hduser1 hduser1 0 2014-08-05 06:44 out/part-r-00001 -rw-r--r-- 1 hduser1 hduser1 0 2014-08-05 06:44 out/part-r-00002

[hduser1@mycluster1-master-0 ~]$ hadoop fs -cat out/part* localhost 1 1

Browse to the YARN Resource Manager GUI

Browse to the MapReduce History Server GUI In particular, confirm that you can view the complete logs for task attempts.


[hduser1@mycluster1-master-0 ~]$ hadoop fs -mkdir -p sample_data/tab1

[hduser1@mycluster1-master-0 ~]$ cat - > tab1.csv 1,true,123.123,2012-10-24 08:55:00 2,false,1243.5,2012-10-25 13:40:00 3,false,24453.325,2008-08-22 09:33:21.123 4,false,243423.325,2007-05-12 22:32:21.33454 5,true,243.325,1953-04-22 09:11:33

[hduser1@mycluster1-master-0 ~]$ hadoop fs -put -f tab1.csv sample_data/tab1

[hduser1@mycluster1-master-0 ~]$ hive


OK Time taken: 28.256 seconds

hive> show tables;

OK tab1 tab2 Time taken: 0.889 seconds, Fetched: 2 row(s)

hive> select * from tab1;


1 true 123.123 2012-10-24 08:55:00 2 false 1243.5 2012-10-25 13:40:00 3 false 24453.325 2008-08-22 09:33:21.123 4 false 243423.325 2007-05-12 22:32:21.33454 5 true 243.325 1953-04-22 09:11:33 Time taken: 1.083 seconds, Fetched: 5 row(s)

hive> select * from tab2; OK 1 true 123.123 10 24 2 false 1243.5 10 25 Time taken: 0.094 seconds, Fetched: 2 row(s)

hive> select * from tab1 where id=1; OK 1 true 123.123 2012-10-24 08:55:00 Time taken: 15.083 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s) hive> select * from tab2 where id=1;

OK 1 true 123.123 10 24 Time taken: 13.094 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s)

hive> exit;


[hduser1@mycluster1-master-0 ~]$ pig

grunt> a = load 'in';

grunt> dump a; ... Success! ...

grunt> quit;


[hduser1@mycluster1-master-0 ~]$ hbase shell

hbase(main):001:0> create 'test', 'cf' 0 row(s) in 3.3680 seconds => Hbase::Table - test

hbase(main):002:0> list 'test' TABLE test 1 row(s) in 0.0210 seconds => ["test"]

hbase(main):003:0> put 'test', 'row1', 'cf:a', 'value1' 0 row(s) in 0.1320 seconds

hbase(main):004:0> put 'test', 'row2', 'cf:b', 'value2' 0 row(s) in 0.0120 seconds

hbase(main):005:0> scan 'test' ROW COLUMN+CELL row1 column=cf:a,timestamp=1407542488028,value=value1 row2 column=cf:b,timestamp=1407542499562,value=value2 2 row(s) in 0.0510 seconds

hbase(main):006:0> get 'test', 'row1' COLUMN CELL cf:a timestamp=1407542488028,value=value1 1 row(s) in 0.0240 seconds hbase(main):007:0> quit

Use Case - Searching Wikipedia

One of the many unique features of Isilon is its multi-protocol support. This allows you, for instance, to write a file using SMB (Windows) or NFS (Linux/Unix) and then read it using HDFS to perform Hadoop analytics on it.

In this section, we exercise this capability to download the entire Wikipedia database (excluding media) using your favorite browser to Isilon. As soon as the download completes, we'll run a Hadoop grep to search the entire text of Wikipedia using our Hadoop cluster. As this search doesn't rely on a word index, your regular expression can be as complicated as you like.

1.First, let's connect your client (with your favorite web browser) to your Isilon cluster.

1.If you are using a Windows host or other SMB client:

1.Click Start -> Run.

2.Enter: \\<Isilon Host>\ifs

3.You may authenticate as root with your Isilon root password.

4.Browse to \ifs\isiloncluster1\zone1\hadoop\tmp.

5.Create a directory here called wikidata. This is where you will download the Wikipedia data to.

2.If you are using a Linux host or other NFS client:

1.Mount your NFS export.

[root@workstation ~]$ mkdir /mnt/isiloncluster1 [root@workstation ~]$ echo \ \ /mnt/isiloncluster1 nfs \ nolock,nfsvers=3,tcp,rw,hard,intr,timeo=600,retrans=2,rsize=131072,wsize=524288 \ >> /etc/fstab

[root@workstation ~]$ mount -a

[root@workstation ~]$ mkdir -p \ /mnt/isiloncluser1/isiloncluster1/zone1/hadoop/tmp/wikidata

2.On Mac

How to create an NFS Mount

3.On our favorite web browser and go to

Description: images/wikipedia-browser.png

4.Locate the file enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2 and download it directly to the wikidata folder on Isilon. Your web browser will be writing this file to the Isilon file system using SMB or NFS.


This file is approximately 10 GB in size and contains the entire text of the English version of Wikipedia. If this is too large, you may want to download one of the smaller files such as enwiki-latest-all-titles.gz.

5.Now let's run the Hadoop grep job. We'll search for all two-word phrases that begin with EMC.

[hduser1@mycluster1-master-0 ~]$ hadoop fs -ls /tmp/wikidata

[hduser1@mycluster1-master-0 ~]$ hadoop fs -rm -r /tmp/wikigrep

[hduser1@mycluster1-master-0 ~]$ hadoop jar \ /usr/lib/hadoop-mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples.jar \ grep /tmp/wikidata /tmp/wikigrep "EMC [^ ]*"

6.When the the job completes, use your favorite text file viewer to view the output file /tmp/wikigrep/part-r-00000. You may open the file in a text editor from the NFS Mount

Master Mentor

@Shivaji This is wonderful. Thanks!!


The best practice to download Isilon patches is to go to and search for the patch number 159065.

Master Guru

@Ancil McBarnett is there an upgrade? HDP 2.4 was just mentioned as supported by EMC.

Expert Contributor

@Timothy Spann, I think the easiest way to track OneFS support for new versions of Ambari and HDP is to visit the ECN and follow this page, .

One thing to note is that this guide is written for the 7.2.x. In the conmmand line structure was changed, so refer to the new CLI guide. Hadoop starts on page 997, .

Super Guru

Nice Article and Very useful.

Expert Contributor

An updated guide was published recently by Isilon, covering OneFS 8.0.0.x. It's titled the EMC Isilon OneFS with Hadoop and Hortonworks Installation Guide:

Version history
Last update:
‎01-13-2016 03:52 PM
Updated by: