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Title | Views | Posted |
11800 | 03-21-2017 07:34 PM | |
3111 | 11-16-2016 04:18 AM | |
1735 | 10-18-2016 03:57 PM | |
4474 | 09-12-2016 03:36 PM | |
6729 | 08-25-2016 09:01 PM |
03:08 PM
@Dominika Bialek Looks like the CloudBreak 2.5 docs were removed.
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07:34 PM
4 Kudos
WITH t1nulltest AS
( select date_column
,SUM(IF(c1 IS NULL,1,0)) OVER (PARTITION BY date_column) as c1null
,SUM(IF(c2 IS NULL,1,0)) OVER (PARTITION BY date_column) as c2null
,SUM(IF(c3 IS NULL,1,0)) OVER (PARTITION BY date_column) as c3null
,SUM(IF(c4 IS NULL,1,0)) OVER (PARTITION BY date_column) as c4null
,SUM(IF(c5 IS NULL,1,0)) OVER (PARTITION BY date_column) as c5null
,row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY date_column) as rowno
from t1)
date_column, c1null, c2null,c3null,c4null,c5null from t1nulltest
where rowno =1;
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07:33 PM
#3.. In this case flume is connecting to HBase via Phoenix JDBC. So the question is if we need to do something for the JDBC connection to secure with SSL..
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05:21 AM
This was awesome Tim
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09:58 PM
No it doesn't. You have to run additional scripts to delete HDP
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10:48 PM
@Sunile Manjee Can you clearly state what you entered for zeppelin.jdbc.principal? Is this the Hive Principal or the Zeppelin Principal with Key tab.
Also what exactly is in the URL for the JDBC Interpreter? Just: jdbc:hive2://HiveHost:10000/default;principal=hive/_HOST@MY-REALM.COM Finally, did you have to copy the Hive JDBC Jars or create softlinks to Zeppelin /usr/hdp/current/zeppelin-server/interpreter/jdbc
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04:10 PM
3 Kudos
HDB 2.1.1 Reference: Download HDB from Hortonworks at or directly from Pivotal at (You need to create a pivotal account) What to look out for
If you use only only 1 Master Node, you cannot have a Hawq Master and Standby If I install Hawq Master on Same node with Ambari need to change PostGres Port from 5432 on Install Prep
Ensure that httpd is installed yum install httpd
sudo service httpd status
sudo service httpd start Get and Install repo
Log onto Pivotal and download hdb- /* On Ambari Node */
1. mkdir /staging
2. chmod a+rx /staging
3. scp -i <<your key>> -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' hdb- root@<<ambarinode>>:~/staging
4. tar -zxvf hdb- /staging/hdb-
/* You should see the message “hdb- Repo file successfully created at /etc/yum.repos.d/hdb- */
5. yum install -y hawq-ambari-plugin
6. cd /var/lib/hawq
7. ./ --user admin --password admin --stack HDP-2.5
/* if the repo is in the same node as Ambari else pint to where the repo lives*/
./ --user <admin-username> --password <admin-password> --stack HDP-2.5 --hawqrepo <hdb-2.1.x-url> --addonsrepo <hdb-add-ons-2.1.x-url>
8. ambari-server restart Configurations during Install with Ambari
Set VM overcommit to 0 if you plan to use Hive and/or LLAP also on the same cluster; Don’t follow Pivotal docs to set this to 2 ele your Hive processes will have memory issues. Advanced hdfs-site Property Setting dfs.allow.truncate true dfs.block.access.token.enable false for an unsecured HDFS cluster, or true for a secure cluster dfs.block.local-path-access.user gpadmin true dfs.client.socket-timeout*** 300000000 dfs.client.use.legacy.blockreader.local false dfs.datanode.handler.count 60 dfs.datanode.socket.write.timeout*** 7200000 dfs.namenode.handler.count 600 true
Advanced core-site Property Setting ipc.client.connection.maxidletime** 3600000 ipc.client.connect.timeout** 300000 ipc.server.listen.queue.size 3300 Some HAWQ Resources
Date Type Formating Functions: Date Time Functions: Hawq Date Functions: HAWQ is better with dates; can automatically handle ’08/01/2016’ and ’01-Aug-2016’ PostGreSQL Cheat Sheet Commands: System Catalog Tables: HAWQ Toolkit
Make sure and make use of the Hawq Toolkit: How to find the data files for specific tables: Size of table on Disk: select * from hawq_toolkit.hawq_size_of_table_disk; How to find the Size of Database: select sodddatname, sodddatsize/(1024*1024) from hawq_toolkit.hawq_size_of_database; How to find the Size of Partitioned Tables: select * hawq_toolkit.hawq_size_of_partition_and_indexes_disk Tip to find how many segments for a Hawq Table SELECT gp_segment_id, COUNT(*)
FROM <<table>>
GROUP BY gp_segment_id
ORDER BY 1; Creating Tables <<TBD>
Make SURE AFTER YOU CREATE THE TABLE ANALYZE: As an Example: vacuum analyze device.priority_counter_hist_rand; Loading Data to Tables <<TBD> Potential HAWQ Errors Too many open files in system To fix this check the value for fs.file-max in /etc/sysctl.conf. If configured a value that is lower than the total # of open files for the entire system at a given point (lsof | wc -l) then we would have increase this. To increase this value follow the below steps
Open Files: lsof | wc -l ulimit -a | grep open Edit the following line in the /etc/sysctl.conf file: fs.file-max = value #value is the new file descriptor limit that you want to set. Apply the change by running the following command:# /sbin/sysctl -p We can disable over-commit temporarily: echo 0 > /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory For permanent solution:
Add vm.overcommit_memory = 0 in /etc/sysctl.conf #fs.file-max=65536 fs.file-max=2900000 #Added for Hortonworks HDB kernel.threads-max=798720 vm.overcommit_memory=0
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08:51 PM
1 Kudo
I will test this also... As far I know, via Ambari, the user must be gpadmin.
If you are installing manually, you can set the OS user to be anything you want. However the postgress user is gpadmin.
I will get a Pivotal engineer to answer this also...hopefully in a day or so.
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02:42 PM
Maybe this should be a separate HCC question. However if you are using HDF 2.x/ Nifi 1.0 with Ambari, you cannot install it on the same platform using Ambari and HDP2.5. It would have to be a separate Ambari install on another node, just for HDF
Perhaps you may need to contact us at Hortonworks to get us to understand your use case further.
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04:18 AM
1 Kudo
Why are you using HDP 2.5? Also what version of Ambari are you using?
Please refer to
Please use HDP 2.4.2 and Ambari 2.4 or 2.4.1 Or you can go maverick and try deleting /var/run/ambari-server/stack-recommendations/1 manually yourself.
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