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In previous article of the sereies, Adding a New Telemetry Data Source to Apache Metron, we walked through how to add a new data source squid to Apache Metron. The inevitable next question is how I can enrich the telemetry events in real-time as it flows through the platform. Enrichment is critical when identifying threats or as we like to call it "finding the needle in the haystack". The customers requirement are the following

  1. The proxy events from Squid logs needs to ingested in real-time.
  2. The proxy logs has to be parsed into a standardized JSON structure that Metron can understand.
  3. In real-time, the squid proxy event needs to be enriched so that the domain named are enriched with the IP information
  4. In real-time, the IP with in the proxy event must be checked against for threat intel feeds.
  5. If there is a threat intel hit, an alert needs to be raised
  6. The end user must be able to see the new telemetry events and the alerts from the new data source.
  7. All of this requirements will need to be implemented easily without writing any new java code.

In this article, we will walk you through how to do 3.

Metron Enrichment Framework Explained


Step 1: Enrichment Source

Whois data is expensive so we will not be providing it. Instead we wrote a basic whois scraper (out of context for this exercise) that produces a CSV format for whois data as follows:, "Google Inc.", "US", "Dns Admin",874306800000, "", "US", "PERFECT PRIVACY, LLC",788706000000, "Capital One Services, Inc.", "US", "Domain Manager",795081600000, "Cisco Technology Inc.", "US", "Info Sec",547988400000, "Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.", "US", "Domain Name Manager",748695600000, "CBS Interactive Inc.", "US", "Domain Admin",833353200000, "NBA Media Ventures, LLC", "US", "C/O Domain Administrator",786027600000, "ESPN, Inc.", "US", "ESPN, Inc.",781268400000, "Internet Invest, Ltd. dba", "UA", "Whois privacy protection service",806583600000, "Hortonworks, Inc.", "US", "Domain Administrator",1303427404000, "Microsoft Corporation", "US", "Domain Administrator",673156800000, "Yahoo! Inc.", "US", "Domain Administrator",790416000000, "Rackspace US, Inc.", "US", "Domain Admin",903092400000

Cut and paste this data into a file called "whois_ref.csv" on your virtual machine. This csv file represents our enrichment source

The schema of this enrichment source is domain|owner|registeredCountry|registeredTimestamp. Make sure you don't have an empty newline character as the last line of the CSV file, as that will result in a pull pointer exception.

We need to now configure an extractor config file that describes the enrichment source.

  "config" : {
    "columns" : {
        "domain" : 0
        ,"owner" : 1
        ,"home_country" : 2
        ,"registrar": 3
        ,"domain_created_timestamp": 4
    ,"indicator_column" : "domain"
    ,"type" : "whois"
    ,"separator" : ","
  ,"extractor" : "CSV"

Please cut and paste this file into a file called "extractor_config_temp.json" on the virtual machine. Because copying and pasting from this blog will include some non-ascii invisible characters, to strip them out please run

iconv -c -f utf-8 -t ascii extractor_config_temp.json -o extractor_config.json

Step 2: Configure Element to Enrichment Mapping

We now have to configure what element of a tuple should be enriched with what enrichment type. This configuration will be stored in zookeeper.

The config looks like the following:

  "zkQuorum" : "node1:2181"
 ,"sensorToFieldList" : {
    "squid" : {
           "type" : "ENRICHMENT"
          ,"fieldToEnrichmentTypes" : {
             "url" : [ "whois" ]

Cut and paste this file into a file called "enrichment_config_temp.json" on the virtual machine. Because copying and pasting from this blog will include some non-ascii invisible characters, to strip them out please run

iconv -c -f utf-8 -t ascii enrichment_config_temp.json -o enrichment_config.json

Step 3: Run the Enrichment Loader

Now that we have the enrichment source and enrichment config defined, we can now run the loader to move the data from the enrichment source to the Metron enrichment Store and store the enrichment config in zookeeper.

/usr/metron/0.1BETA/bin/ -n enrichment_config.json -i whois_ref.csv -t enrichment -c t -e extractor_config.json

After this your enrichment data will be loaded in Hbase and a Zookeeper mapping will be established. The data will be populated into Hbase table called enrichment. To verify that the logs were properly ingested into Hbase run the following command:

hbase shell
scan 'enrichment'

You should see the table bulk loaded with data from the CSV file. Now check if Zookeeper enrichment tag was properly populated:

/usr/metron/0.1BETA/bin/ -z localhost:2181

Generate some data by using the squid client to execute http requests (do this about 20 times)


View the Enrichment Telemetry Events in Metron UI

In order to demonstrate the enrichment capabilities of Metron you need to drop all existing indexes for Squid where the data was ingested prior to enrichments being enabled. To do so go back to the head plugin and deleted the indexes like so:


Make sure you delete all Squid indexes. Re-ingest the data (see previous blog post) and the messages should be automatically enriched.

In the Metron-UI, refresh the dashboard and view the data in the Squid Panel in the dashboard:


Notice the enrichments here (whois.owner, whois.domain_created_timestamp, whois.registrar, whois.home_country)


@George Vetticaden : I have tried the above steps in my hcp cluster with hdp - along with metron UI manager.

I don't need to do step 2 right ? This is the same as the enrichment configuration done via metron UI right ? My enrichment configuration json is as follows. This will suffice here for step 2 right ?

I ran the file loader script without -n option.

/usr/metron/0.1BETA/bin/ -i whois_ref.csv -t enrichment -c t -e extractor_config.json

	"enrichment": {
		"fieldMap": {},
		"fieldToTypeMap": {
			"url": [
		"config": {}
	"threatIntel": {
		"fieldMap": {},
		"fieldToTypeMap": {},
		"config": {},
		"triageConfig": {
			"riskLevelRules": [],
			"aggregator": "MAX",
			"aggregationConfig": {}
	"configuration": {}

Unfortunately my enrichment is not working. My kafka topic message coming in indexing topic is as follows.

{"code":200,"method":"GET","enrichmentsplitterbolt.splitter.end.ts":"1518783891207","enrichmentsplitterbolt.splitter.begin.ts":"1518783891207","is_alert":"true","url":"https:\/\/\/","source.type":"newtest","elapsed":2033,"ip_dst_addr":"","original_string":"1518783890.244   2033 TCP_MISS\/200 49602 GET https:\/\/\/ - HIER_DIRECT\/ text\/html\n","threatintelsplitterbolt.splitter.end.ts":"1518783891211","threatinteljoinbolt.joiner.ts":"1518783891213","bytes":49602,"enrichmentjoinbolt.joiner.ts":"1518783891209","action":"TCP_MISS","guid":"40ff89bf-71a1-4eec-acfd-d89886c9ce7f","threatintelsplitterbolt.splitter.begin.ts":"1518783891211","ip_src_addr":"","timestamp":1518783890244}


I have tried adding both and just as in your example. But no luck.

How metron queries hbase table ? Will it query to get domain similiar to url ?