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On Oct 25th, EMC Isilon announced general availability of OneFS 8.0.1. The official announcement can be found here -

OneFS 8.0.1 is the first major upgrade to OneFS 8.0 platform that was released in Feb 2016. While this upgrade has many generic enhancements to the storage side of OneFS, there are four major functionalities related to Hadoop

Supports Ambari 2.4

This is the first major release of OneFS that will have support for Ambari 2.4. Hortonworks had released HDP 2.5 and Ambari 2.4 at end of Aug 2016. Since then Isilon team had been working to integrate Ambari 2.4 with OneFS. With the release one OneFS 801, customers can now use Ambari 2.4 and HDP 2.5

For more instructions on how to configure, see the below link :

Ambari Metrics and Alerts integration

Though OneFS has been supporting Ambari for a few releases, it was not leveraging the metrics capabilities as yet. So customers were not able to make use of Ambari metrics server With OneFS 801, OneFS host metrics and alerts will be integrated in Ambari. This will help customers to proactively monitor key performance metrics and alerts for OneFS through single management window i.e. Ambari

Use the below link to learn on how to configure Ambari metrics system to pull OneFS Host metrics and set up Thresholds and Alerts.

Integration with Ranger deny first policy framework

Another major enhancement in OneFS 801 is related to access permissions to the file system.

OneFS 801 is now integrated with Apache Ranger to provide additional layer of security to provide stricter control and deny access to the files and directories to users and groups. This has been made possible by using Deny policy that was added in Ranger 0.6.0 release and is available in HDP 2.5. By default, the deny policy in Ranger Admin UI is turned off.

Customers need to follow the information in the below link to enable Deny Policy and use it with OneFS

Wire Encryption

OneFS 801 also have support for data in-flight encryption between Isilon nodes and the HDFS client.

Details on how to enable Wire Encryption will be available soon.


With 801 FS, there is support for encryption of data-in-flight as well as data-at-rest . Data-at-rest encryption is achieved by using Self-Encrypting-Drives (SED)s . In-flight data encryption is through new features that leverages Kerberos infrastructure.

To know details on how to set up encryption on OneFS 801, visit