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Rising Star

The current state of Hive ACID is as follows:

Technical Alert sent out on 2015-09-10:

Subject: Hortonworks Technical Alert: Hive ACID feature

Dear HDP Customer, 

Hortonworks Technical Support would like to make you aware about a potential issue you may encounter.

Below are the details:

HDP 2.2.*, HDP 2.3.0

Hive ACID feature not ready for production deployment

Hive ACID supports two primary use cases:
Hive Streaming Ingest
Inserts/Updates/Deletes at low concurrency

As the first set of users are developing their ACID solutions and deploying them in their staging environments, they’ve run into a series of technical issues which are indicate insufficient test case coverage for this particular feature. Hortonworks is currently working closely with these customers to provide fixes for these issues and make them successful in production.  In addition, we are going back to our engineering processes and identifying the missing test cases and increasing our test case coverage. While these issues are being addressed, we’d like to alert other customers of these issues. Currently, Hortonworks is recommending that users wait on the use of the Hive ACID features until these issues have been addressed. Subsequent maintenance release will include these fixes and as we have successfully assisted the early adopters with their production deployments, we will retire this technical alert. 



There are two options:
Wait for maintenance releases to appear which contain the necessary fixes to address known issues  — or — 
If you’d like to use Hive ACID, please contact Hortonworks support and we can look at the details of your use case and provide additional advice on a case-by-case basis

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to open a support case with us at

Thank you,
The Hortonworks Team

In addition, for use in further discussions, the following powerpoint presentation is available to share externally:

Last but not least, there is the pending RMP JIRA tracking the backport of the bulk of ACID changes to the HDP 2.2.x branch:

Master Mentor

@dtraver Is it ok to share the slide deck in PDF format? or Could you attache the deck in this article?