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1. We need to know on which database Hive metastore is hosted like my SQL, Oracle?

2. What is the version of jdbc driver used for a database connection?


if Oracle then, we need to know which version it has by this command

unzip -p /usr/share/oracle-connector-java.jar | head > jar_version.txt

Right now we are using ojdbc8.jar.



  1. Using the following command, move the existing oracle-connector-java.jar from /usr/share/java/ to /tmp/
    mv /usr/share/java/oracle-connector-java.jar /tmp/
  2. Using the following command, copy the existing ojdbc8.jar as oracle-connector-java.jar
    cp /usr/share/java/ojdbc8.jar oracle-connector-java.jar
  3. Using the following command, change the permissions to 775
    chmod 775 oracle-connector-java.jar
  4. Restart the Hive service

Disclaimer: This article is contributed by an external user. The steps may not be verified by Cloudera and may not be applicable for all use cases and may be very specific to a particular distribution. Please follow with caution and at your own risk. If needed, raise a support case to get the confirmation.

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