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Apache Zeppelin (version 0.6.0) includes the ability to securely authenticate users and require logins. It uses the Apache Shiro security framework to accomplish this objective. Note: prior versions of Zeppelin did not force users to login.

After launching the HDP 2.5 Tech Preview Sandbox on a virtual machine, make sure the Zeppelin service is up and running via Ambari. Next, open the Zeppelin UI either by clicking on:

Services (tab) -> Zeppelin notebook (left-hand panel) -> Quick Links (tab) -> "Zeppelin UI" (button)

or just by opening a browser at: (or

The Zeppelin welcome page should show in the browser, and you should notice a "Login" button in the upper right-hand corner. This will bring up a pop-up window with text entries for username and password. Enter one of the username/password pairs below (these are the defaults listed in the "shiro.ini" file located in the "conf" sub-directory of zeppelin):

Username/Password pairs: 

If you want to change these passwords or add more users, you can use the "Credentials" tab of the Zeppelin notebook to create additional usernames.

After entering the credentials, you will be logged in and the existing notebooks will display on the left-hand side of the Zeppelin screen. If you enter the wrong username or password, you will be directed back to the Welcome page.

FYI: For more information about Zeppelin security, see this link:

FYI: For more detailed information about Apache Shiro configuration options, see this link: