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Rising Star

This is a simple command that can be used to run via a browser to change the log level without needing a restart.

For Hbase Master:
http://<SERVER-HOSTNAME>:16010/logLevel?log=org.apache.hadoop.hbase& level=<DESIRED-LOG-LEVEL>
For HBase Region Server:
http://<SERVER-HOSTNAME>:16030/logLevel?log=org.apache.hadoop.hbase& level=<DESIRED-LOG-LEVEL>

Please make sure there is no space between '&' and 'level'. There seems to be a formatting issue in HCC because of which a space was introduced in the syntax.
<SERVER-HOSTNAME> : Represents the hostname of the server where the daemon is running.
<DESIRED-LOG-LEVEL>: Represent the log level that is desired by the user to have. Ex. INFO, DEBUG,..
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Rising Star

We can use the HBase master UI for enabling and disabling the TRACE/DEBUG/INFO without restarting any service.


➤ To enable the TRACE/DEBUG logging please follow the below steps from the Hbase master UI for the master server.

Step 1: Hbase Master UI -> click on log level-> add the property(org.apache.hadoop.ipc) on the second log box-> enter the DBUG in Level box-> click on Set log level radio button.


➤ To enable the TRACE/DEBUG logging please follow the below steps from the Hbase master UI for the specific region server.

Step 1: Hbase Master UI -> select specific region server-> click on log level-> add the property(org.apache.hadoop.ipc) on the second log box-> enter the DBUG in Level box-> click on Set log level radio button.


➤ Once the completion of the above steps, just verifies whether the changes are effected or not with the below steps.

Step 2: Hbase Master UI -> select specific region server/Master server-> click on log level-> add the property(org.apache.hadoop.ipc) on the fist log box-> click on the Get log level radio button, and verify the log level.




➤ hadoop daemonlog -setlevel <hbase regionserver host>:<port> org.apache.hadoop.hbase TRACE/DEBUG/INFO

Hi @kkanchu 

Can you please accept the answer if the above steps helps to change the log level of the HBase daemon on the fly without any restart.