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Of late, there are many HCC questions on how to create hive table and lineage using REST APIs in Atlas. This article will be act a step by step guide to create hive tables and lineage using REST API.


As part of the solution to this FAQ, I will create two hive tables and lineage(CTAS) between them. I have tested these changes on HDP-2.5 release, so make sure you have HDP version >= 2.5.

Step1: JSON for creating table1:
    "description":"Default Hive database",
        "description":"Default Hive database",

Save the above json to a file.

Step2: REST API call to create the hive table entity.
curl -v -H 'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' -H 'Content-Type: application/json;  charset=UTF-8' -u admin:admin -d @sample.json http://<IP_ADDRESS>:21000/api/atlas/entities

The above will help in creating a hive table entity.

Step3: JSON for creating table2:
    "description":"Default Hive database",
        "description":"Default Hive database",

Save the above json to a file.

Step4: Repeat step2 with step3 json

Step5: JSON to create lineage between above two hive tables:
    "name":"create table table2 as select * from table1",
              "description":"Default Hive database",
      "create table table2 as select * from table1"
              "description":"Default Hive database",
    "queryText":"create table table2 as select * from table1",

Save the above json to a file.

Step6: Repeat step2 with step5 json

Step7: Over Atlas UI, lineage between two entities can be seen as below.


Hope this clarifies the queries on creating hive tables using rest API. Please let me know if there are any queries in the comments, I will be more than happy to help.



Nicely written and very helpful. Thanks @Ayub Khan for writing this !

New Contributor

Hi Ayub,

As described in the step 1, Is it required to create some random ids "id":"-11893021824425525" for this json request to be successful.