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When NiFi is secured for TLS server authentication, at UI login time first it tries to use TLS certificates if loaded on the browser and then, it tries to use SPNEGO authentication, and finally, it falls back to your configured login provider.

If you KERBERISE the cluster via AMBARI and want to use login-providers like LDAP or KERBEROS, it automatically sets the following properties which enable SPNEGO authentication.



 Furthermore, SPNEGO properties through AMBARI are greyed out for:

Screen Shot 2020-07-15 at 2.39.53 PM.png


  1. From your Amabari manager host, change the setting for NiFi, where the text in red is tailored to your unique environment:
  • nifi.kerberos.spnego.keytab.location to be blank:
  1. ./ -a set -s http -l -t 8080 -n c2288  -u admin -p AdminPassword -c nifi-properties -k 'nifi.kerberos.spnego.keytab.location' -v ''
  • nifi.kerberos.spnego.principal to be blank
  1. ./ -a set -s http -l -t 8080 -n c2288 -u admin -p AdminPassword -c nifi-properties -k 'nifi.kerberos.spnego.principal' -v ''
    -a set
    -s http or https
    -l fqdn of ambari host
    -t port number ambari is listening on
    -n ambari cluster name ( you can get that from top right UI )
    -u user that has edit privileges on ambari
    -p the password for that user
    -c the config type in this case
    -k the key to change
    -v the value to change
  2. You can also do this for NiFi Registry with the following sample commands:
    ./ -a set -s http -l -t 8080 -n c2288 -u admin -p AdminPassword -c nifi-registry-properties -k 'nifi.registry.kerberos.spnego.principal' -v ''
    ./ -a set -s http -l -t 8080 -n c2288 -u admin -p AdminPassword -c nifi-registry-properties -k 'nifi.registry.kerberos.spnego.principal' -v ''
  3. Restart NiFi and/or NiFi Registry and ensure that you clear your browser cache.
  4. You should see the following on Ambari config sections of NiFi and/or NiFi registry:Screen Shot 2020-07-15 at 3.15.29 PM.png


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