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In this article we will talk about one of the best feature of Ambari 2.4 in which we will be doing the ambari "setup-security" in non interactive mode to enable the HTTPs in ambari server.

I assume that you have alredy created the ambari-server keys and certificate using open ssl. So we will see how can we do the HTTPs setup using a single line command:

ambari-server setup-security --security-option=setup-https --api-ssl=true --api-ssl-port=8443 --import-cert-path=/etc/ambari-server/certs/ --import-key-path=/etc/ambari-server/certs/ --pem-password=hadoop

Output of the above command can be as following, Notice that it will run in non interactive mode.

Using python  /usr/bin/python
Security setup options...
Do you want to configure HTTPS [y/n] (y)? 
SSL port [8443] ? 
Please enter password for Private Key: 
Importing and saving Certificate...done.
Ambari server URL changed. To make use of the Tez View in Ambari please update the property tez.tez-ui.history-url.base in tez-site
Adjusting ambari-server permissions and ownership...
NOTE: Restart Ambari Server to apply changes ("ambari-server restart|stop+start")


Now in order to see the configuration changes we will need to restart ambari server.

ambari-server restart

Now we can simply access ambari server using the HTTPs port 8443 as following:




- This feature in ambari is added as part of JIRA:

Ability to automate setup-security and setup-ldap/sync-ldap:

- We can see similar examples there (there might be little changes in the argument names though) so use the "ambari-server --help" to explore those arguments. Examples from AMBARI-14627, I have not tested the following options so you might see some small argumant changes there in the actual implementations:

1.) LDAP setup: 
  ambari-server setup-ldap   --ldap-url="ldap.apache.org389"   --ldap-secondary-url=""   --ldap-ssl="false"   --ldap-user-class="person"   --ldap-user-attr="sAMAccountName"   --ldap-group-class="group"   --ldap-group-attr="cn"   --ldap-member-attr="member"   --ldap-dn="distunguishedName"   --ldap-base-dn="dc=ambari01,dc=local"   --ldap-referral=""   --ldap-bind-anonym=false   --ldap-manager-dn="cn=hdfs,ou=ambari,dc=ambari01,dc=local"   --ldap-manager-password="myldappassword"   --ldap-save-settings   --truststore-type="jks"   --truststore-path="/var/lib/ambari-server/keys/jkskeystore.jks"   --truststore-password="mypass"

2.) Ldap sync:
    ambari-server sync-ldap --groups=groups.txt --ldap-sync-admin-name=admin --ldap-sync-admin-password=admin

3.) Setup Https:
  ambari-server setup-security \ 
    --security-option=setup-https     --api-ssl=true --client-api-ssl-port=8443 \ 
    --import-cert-path=/var/lib/ambari-server/keys/my.crt \ 
    --import-key-path=/var/lib/ambari-server/keys/my.key     --pem-password=password
4.) Encrypt passwords:
  ambari-server setup-security --security-option=encrypt-passwords --master-key=masterkey --master-key-persist=true

5.) Setup Kerberos JAAS:
  ambari-server setup-security --security-option=setup-kerberos-jaas --jaas-principal="ambari@EXAMPLE.COM" --jaas-keytab="/etc/security/keytabs/ambari.keytab"

6.) Setup TrustStore:
    ambari-server setup-security       --security-option=setup-truststore \ 
      --truststore-path=/var/lib/ambari-server/keys/keystore.p12       --truststore-type=pkcs12 \ 
      --truststore-password=password       --truststore-reconfigure
7.) Import certificate to TrustStore:
    ambari-server setup-security \ 
      --security-option=import-certificate \ 
      --truststore-path=/var/lib/ambari-server/keys/keystore.p12 \ 
      --truststore-type=pkcs12 \ 
      --truststore-password=password \ 
      --import-cert-path=/var/lib/ambari-server/my.crt \ 
      --import-cert-alias=myalias \ 

