Problem Statement: Customer has incorporated the use of ACL's within HDFS to control authorisation on the directories and files. They have also changed the fs.permissions.umask-mode = 007 in Ambari under Advanced settings (hdfs-site.xml) file.
The ACL's seems to be working correctly when making directories using the hadoop fs -mkdir command. However, when making a directory using the Hue File Browser, the umask permissions are not being set properly according the the umask property set.
Using the hadoop fs -mkdir command, folders are being created with a group mask:rwx, files with a group mask:rw-. Through the Hue file browser, folder group mask:r-x, file group: r-x.
There seems to be a discrepancy between the mask properties set on folders and files when using hadoop fs mkdir command vs Hue file browser make directory and file command.
Why does this discrepency exist? What do customer need to do in order to enforce Hue to follow the same umask and acl permissions set that the hadoop fs commands are following?
Hue does not respect Support dfs.umaskmode, fs.permissions.umask-mode when creating files or folders
ROOT CAUSE: This is because the WebHDFS API does not read the fs.permissions.umask-mode property, instead it uses whatever value is explicitly passed by Hue or the NN default.