Created on 11-25-2015 03:36 PM - edited 09-16-2022 01:33 AM
Some interesting talks for Hadoop Summit 2016 (EMEA). Please vote: the deadline is Dec 15 and you can vote for as many talks as you want
Hadoop governance, security, deployment, operations
1. Rolling & Express Upgrades of the Stack in Ambari
Data science
0. Analyzing Hollywood with Spark and Hadoop:
1. Magellan (how to scale geospatial joins using Magellan):
2. Online Learning (how to do machine learning online and fast while being accurate):
3. MLLeap (joint work with Truecar on migrating machine learning pipelines from offline modeling to online scoring):
4. Entity Disambiguation (how to apply machine learning techniques to resolve entities):
5. Monte Carlo simulations using Spark:
6. Finding Outliers with Spark and Storm: Guide to Keeping Your Sanity:
Committer Track
1. Running Storm with 5 9's availability
2. The Future of Apache Storm
Application Track
1. DataCube - Yahoo!'s Next-Generation Near Real-Time Ads Targeting Platform
2. Practical Complex Event Processing with Storm
Hadoop and the Internet of Things
1. Streaming SQL on Storm
2. From Device to Data Center to Insights: Architectural Considerations for the Internet of Anything
Created on 12-03-2015 07:59 PM
Also see
Running Spark in Production
Cover topics of Spark Perf Tuning, Security & Spark on YARN
Please consider voting if you want to hear more on these topics.