Created on 07-21-2016 02:18 AM - edited 08-17-2019 11:15 AM
In Apache NiFi 1.2, there are processors to Get and Put data to an MQTT broker, which is popular in IoT because of it's small footprint and speed. MQTT is supported by Eclipse and IBM.
I created an example on the HDP 2.6. I downloaded and installed the latest Apache NiFi 1.2 there as well as an example MQTT Broker (Mosquitto)
To Install Mosquitto on HDP 2.6 (Centos 7.x)
sudo wget cp *.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/ sudo yum -y update sudo yum -y install mosquitto
To Verify the Settings and Prepare Logs
[root@sandbox opt]# cat /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf # Place your local configuration in /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/ pid_file /var/run/ persistence true persistence_location /var/lib/mosquitto/ #log_dest file /var/log/mosquitto/mosquitto.log include_dir /etc/mosquitto/conf.d [root@sandbox opt]# vi /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf [root@sandbox opt]# mkdir -p /var/log/mosquitto [root@sandbox opt]# chmod 777 /var/log/mosquitto/ [root@sandbox opt]# touch /var/log/mosquitto/mosquitto.log [root@sandbox opt]# chmod 777 /var/log/mosquitto/
Run MQTT Broker Server
mosquitto -d
The default port for MQTT and Mosquitto is 1883. Make sure that port is not blocked by Firewalls, Virus software and if one the sandbox it is exposed.
Running Mosquitto on Sandbox
NiFi PublishMQTT
NiFi ConsumeMQTT
After Running
[root@sandbox demo]# hdfs dfs -ls /mqtt root hdfs 2783 2016-07-20 14:56 /mqtt/37115929161818 root hdfs 2805 2016-07-20 14:56 /mqtt/37115930927495
Publish MQTT
Created on 10-28-2016 10:17 AM
Great article Tim. I'm thinking a NiFi dataflow to simulate 100's or 1000's IoT sensors would be a great idea.
Created on 02-10-2017 03:34 PM
why simulate. A raspberry pi or two can send thousands of mqtt message a second. you could simulate that with Gatling or JMeter
Created on 03-07-2017 05:22 AM
Hi Can you tell me the PutHDFS Configuration. I'am facing authentication issues.
Also can you provide me the complete steps for this MQTT Demo
Created on 08-11-2017 08:59 PM
kerberos is a tougher, but without kerberos:
set configuration: must have access to hadoop files
set a directory
Created on 11-27-2017 01:43 PM
Great post need to correct this part :
step 1 and 2 are fused.