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Is the Cloudera Altus CLI supported for Windows systems?


Starting with the Cloudera Altus CLI Version 1.1.3, installation is available through pip, as long as the following minimum requirements are met:


Minimum version of Python 3.6+

1) Download and Install Python for Windows according to the website's instructions:
2) Open a Command Prompt (Windows Key + R), then type cmd and hit enter.
3) In the Command prompt window, run the command to update the Windows environment to add the newly installed Python folder to the system path:
  setx "%PATH%";C:\<Python_Install_destination>\Scripts;
   For example, if Python 2.7 was installed in it's default location, the following command would be run:
    setx "%PATH%";C:\Python36\Scripts;
4) In the same Window, run the pip installer to install the Cloudera Altus CLI Utility:
    pip install altuscli
5) Once the Cloudera Altus CLI is installed, confirm its functionality by running altus --version as shown below:



Also if you're using Windows 10 and are at least running the Anniversary Update, you can enable the Linux subsystem which will install an ubuntu based shell. Using that shell you should be able to use the Altus CLI just like it is documented.

Cloudera Employee



If you are comfortable with Docker, you might as well use this Docker image for Altus CLI (currently for Altus CLI 1.1.0):


  $ docker pull kirasoa/cloudera-altuscli
  $ docker run -ti -v ~/.altus:/root/.altus kirasoa/cloudera-altuscli


(Change ~/.altus to whatever path on your Windows system)