Created on 10-06-2017 07:20 PM
This is a continuation of an article I wrote about 1 year ago:
Perform all steps specified here: and connect successfully to hive service via command line using your user keytab. That implies a valid ticket.
See previous article mentioned in Introduction.
Your jaas.conf should look something like this:
JMeter { required useTicketCache=false doNotPrompt=true useKeyTab=true keyTab="/etc/security/keytabs/hive.service.keytab" principal="hive/" debug=true; };
There are 2 files under /bin folder of the JMeter installation which are used for Kerberos configuration:
krb5.conf - file of .ini format which contains Kerberos configuration details
jaas.conf - file which holds configuration details of Java Authentication and Authorization service
These files aren’t being used by default, so you have to tell JMeter where they are via system properties such as:
Alternatively you can add the next two lines to the file which is located at the same /bin folder.
I suggest using full paths to files.
If you encounter any issues:
- enable debug by adding the following to your command:,configfile,configparser,logincontext
- check jmeter.log to see whether all properties are set as expected and map to existent file paths.
JVM_ARGS="-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m" bin/jmeter,configfile,configparser,logincontext -n -t t1.jmx -l results -e -o output
This could be simplified if you add those two lines mentioned earlier to be added to