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This guide provides a comprehensive overview of using JOLT within Apache NiFi. It is designed to help developers and data engineers efficiently transform JSON data, offering clear instructions and practical examples.
This is an unofficial resource, created out of a personal initiative to fill the knowledge gap.
The guide includes:

Introduction to JOLT

JOLT (JSON-to-JSON Transformation Language) enables flexible and powerful JSON data transformations. It allows you to restructure, filter, and modify JSON objects to fit specific requirements.

Getting Started

Begin with the JoltTransformJSON processor in NiFi. The guide provides setup instructions and tips for using the JOLT editor window to streamline your transformation tasks.

Using the JOLT Editor

The JOLT editor in NiFi includes features for creating and debugging transformation specifications. Our guide explains how to use these features effectively.

Writing JOLT Specifications

We explain the structure of JOLT specifications, focusing on the operation and spec fields. Various operations, including shift, default, remove, sort, and cardinality, are illustrated with practical examples.

Advanced JOLT Operations

Advanced operations like modify-default-beta and modify-overwrite-beta are covered in detail, providing insights into complex JSON modifications.

Utilizing Wildcards

Learn to use wildcards in JOLT for dynamic transformations. The guide covers the use of asterisks, at signs, hash signs, and ampersands with examples.

Contributing to the Guide

Contributions are well welcomed to enhance this guide. If you have suggestions, corrections, or additional examples, please submit them via the GitHub repository. Your input can help improve the resource for the entire community.


By following this guide, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of using JOLT in NiFi for efficient JSON transformations, enhancing your data processing workflows.

For full details, examples, and more, read the complete guide here.

DISCLAIMER: An external user contributed to this article. Cloudera may not verify that the steps may be applicable for all use cases and may be very specific to a particular distribution. Please follow with caution and at your own risk. If needed, raise a support case to get confirmation.

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Version history
Last update:
‎08-06-2024 11:47 PM
Updated by: