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Master Guru

This article describes how to launch Apache NiFi 1.0.0 on docker. To launch Apache NiFi 1.1.0 on docker go here.

During my development of the Json2CSV processor here, I quickly found a need for an environment to test my processor. I don't want to build and install NiFi from my laptop since I need all my applications isolated from each other for ease of maintenance. Docker to the rescue! Similar to how I launch a PyCharm IDE from a docker image here which will rerender back to my laptop. Isolation! I like to keep it simply. Put everything in a Dockerfile and allow myself to quickly launch a NiFi Docker image. Here are the steps to get you up and running


  1. Download latest virtualbox from here.
  2. To run docker containers or build images a docker machine is required. Download docker machine from here.

First pull the prebuilt and complied docker image ( by running this command:

docker pull sunileman/dockernifi

Now you have the docker image simply run it

docker run -it --rm -p 8080-8081:8080-8081 sunileman/dockernifi

Here you are exposing ports 8080 and 8081 and mapping to your local ports 8080 and 8081 respectively.

During my development of this docker image I found sometimes virtualbox will not create port-forwarding rules even though I have created them during my docker run.

To simplify this process grab portforward shell script from here.

  • Name it
  • Verify you can execute script by issuing chmod on it
  • then run this command
  • ./ 8080
  • ./ 8081

If you do not want to download and execute the script, simply go to virtualbox and create a port forwarding rules for the 8080 and 8081 ports


Your done. Go to localhost:8080/nifi/


To shut down nifi simply hit control+c and nifi will shut down gracefully. That is too easy. Now go build some cool stuff!

Super Guru

@Sunile Manjee

Great article. I think you have a typo in your run command. You use sunileman/dockernifi in the pull, but sunileman/nifi in the run. The run command doesn't work as you have it shown.

Master Guru

Got it, fixed. good catch.