Created on 01-25-201808:10 PM - edited 08-17-201909:21 AM
This article highlights some of the latest UI enhancements added in Apache NiFi 1.5.0.
The examples shown in the article utilized the following environment and components:
Mac OS X 10.11.6
Apache NiFi 1.5.0
"Primary Node" Processors Identification
In a NiFi Cluster, processors that have been configured for "Primary node" execution are now identified in the UI by a "P". On the canvas, the "P" is visible next to the processor icon:
The "P" is also shown in the Processors tab on the Summary page, specifically in the Name column:
Finding Processors Quickly in the Summary Page
If your flow has hundreds of processors, it can be difficult differentiating between them in the Summary page (accessible from the top-right Global menu). On the Processors tab, a "Process Group" column has been added to display the name of the parent process group containing the component:
Additionally, when hovering over the "Go to location" button the tooltip now includes the path of the component.
The NiFi Settings window (accessible from Controller Settings in the top-right Global menu) now has a "Registry Clients" tab where you can connect NiFi to a NiFi Registry:
Importing a Flow
If your NiFi instance is connected to an active Registry, when adding a process group to the canvas there is also an option to "Import" a versioned flow:
Selecting "Import" prompts the user to choose a version of a flow to add to the canvas:
Version States
There are new icons that show:
the version state of an individual process group
the count of the statuses of versioned process groups within a process group
the count of the statuses of versioned process groups in the root process group
Here are the meanings of each icon/state:
Up to date
Locally modified
Locally modified and stale
Sync failure
Version state information is also shown in the "Process Groups" tab of the Summary Page: